Ruby Q & A


How can you create custom exceptions in Ruby, and what is their significance in error handling?

In Ruby, creating custom exceptions is a powerful way to handle specific errors or exceptional situations that may occur within your code. Custom exceptions allow you to define your own error classes that provide meaningful context and information when an error occurs, making it easier to identify and debug issues in your application.

To create a custom exception in Ruby, you can define a new class that inherits from the built-in `StandardError` class or one of its subclasses. By convention, custom exceptions typically end with the word “Error” to indicate that they represent error conditions. You can add additional attributes or methods to your custom exception class to provide more context about the error.

Here’s an example of how to create a custom exception:


class MyCustomError < StandardError

  attr_reader :additional_info

  def initialize(message, additional_info)


    @additional_info = additional_info




In this example, we’ve defined a custom exception class `MyCustomError` that inherits from `StandardError`. It takes two parameters in its constructor: a message that describes the error and additional information related to the error.


Custom exceptions are significant in error handling because they allow you to:

  1. Provide meaningful error messages: Custom exceptions can have descriptive messages that explain the error’s cause or context, making it easier for developers to understand what went wrong.


  1. Add extra context: You can include additional information or metadata in custom exceptions to help with debugging and error resolution. This can be invaluable when diagnosing issues in a complex application.


  1. Distinguish between different error scenarios: By creating different custom exceptions for various error conditions, you can handle each type of error differently in your code, improving error recovery and management.


  1. Raise and rescue specific exceptions: When an error occurs, you can raise a custom exception with `raise` and then rescue it using `begin…rescue` blocks, allowing you to handle specific error scenarios gracefully.


Here’s an example of raising and rescuing a custom exception:



  # Some code that may raise an error

  raise"Something went wrong", some_additional_info)

rescue MyCustomError => e

  puts "Error: #{e.message}"

  puts "Additional Info: #{e.additional_info}"



Custom exceptions are a crucial tool in Ruby for improving error handling and providing clear, structured error reporting within your applications, enhancing their reliability and maintainability.

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