Ruby Q & A


What is the ‘self’ keyword in Ruby?

In Ruby, the `self` keyword is a fundamental concept that refers to the current object or the current instance of a class. It plays a crucial role in determining the context in which code is executed and in accessing both instance and class-level methods and variables.

Here are some key aspects of the `self` keyword in Ruby:

  1. Instance Methods: Inside an instance method, `self` refers to the instance of the class on which the method was called. It allows you to access and modify instance variables specific to that instance. For example:

   class Person

     def initialize(name)

       @name = name


     def introduce

       "Hi, I'm #{@name}."



   person ="Alice")

   puts person.introduce # Output: Hi, I'm Alice.


In the `introduce` method, `self` refers to the `person` instance.


  1. Class Methods: Inside a class method, `self` refers to the class itself. It allows you to define and access class-level variables and methods. Class methods are defined using the `self` keyword followed by a dot. For example.

   class MyClass

     def self.my_class_method

       "This is a class method."



   puts MyClass.my_class_method # Output: This is a class method.


In the `my_class_method`, `self` refers to the class `MyClass`.


  1. Implicit Receiver: In Ruby, you can omit the explicit use of `self` when calling methods or accessing variables. Ruby will automatically determine the context and apply `self` accordingly. For instance:

   class Dog

     def initialize(name)

       @name = name


     def bark

       "Woof, I'm #{@name}!"



   dog ="Buddy")

   puts dog.bark # Output: Woof, I'm Buddy!


In the `bark` method, `@name` is implicitly treated as `self.@name`, where `self` refers to the `dog` instance.

Understanding the `self` keyword is essential for working effectively with Ruby classes, as it helps you manage instance-specific and class-specific behavior, variables, and methods. It’s a core concept in object-oriented programming in Ruby and provides the foundation for encapsulation and object-oriented design principles.

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