Xamarin Developer Rates


The Ultimate Guide to Xamarin Developer Hourly Rates

In the United States, the average hourly pay for a Xamarin Developer is $55.13. The majority of Xamarin Developer salaries fall within a range, with the 25th percentile at $43.27 per hour and the 75th percentile at $66.59 per hour. For the top earners, those in the 90th percentile, the hourly wage reaches as high as $75.24.

This guide explores the hourly rates for Xamarin developers, a key player in the mobile app development world. We’ll dive into the factors that influence these rates, such as experience, project complexity, and geographic location.  It is important to be aware of the current rates for the skill before you start to hire Xamarin developers for your project.  Ideal for both Xamarin professionals setting their freelance rates and businesses budgeting for mobile app projects, this guide aims to provide a clear picture of the current pay scale for Xamarin development work.

The Xamarin Developer’s Average Hourly Rate (USD)

When comparing hourly rates for Xamarin developers across ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor, and Talent.com, there are noticeable variances. ZipRecruiter generally presents mid-tier rates, being surpassed by Talent.com for junior and mid-level positions, but aligning with both Talent.com and Glassdoor for senior developers. On the other hand, Glassdoor tends to offer slightly lower rates for junior and mid-level roles compared to the other two platforms. Interestingly, all three platforms converge at the same rate for senior developers.

xamarin dev hourly rates ziprecruiter

Xamarin Developer Hourly Rates by Region

RegionAverage Hourly Rate (USD)
North America$45 - $120
South America$20 - $60
Western Europe$35 - $75
Eastern Europe$25 - $55
Australia$40 - $90
Asia$15 - $40
Africa$10 - $30

North America and Australia tend to have the highest hourly rates for Xamarin developers, closely followed by Western Europe. Eastern Europe, South America, Asia, and Africa generally offer more competitive rates, with Asia and Africa presenting the lowest ranges. The variations in these rates can be attributed to factors such as living costs, local market demand, and the prevalence of Xamarin expertise in each region.

Statistics from talent.com suggest that even in the United States, the salary obtained by a Xamarin developer varies according to the state. The highest salary is obtained by developers in Arizona, followed by developers in Washington, California, Colorado, Georgia, Oregon, Texas, Utah, New York, and Illinois coming in tenth place.

Further, talent.com details that in the United States, the average hourly rate for a Xamarin developer is $56.25 per hour. Entry-level positions start at $48.08 per hour, while the most experienced workers can earn up to $67.31 per hour.

xamarin dev hourly ratestalent.com

Xamarin vs. Other App Development Frameworks

FrameworkAverage Hourly Rates (USD)
React Native$50 - $120
Flutter$45 - $115
Ionic$40 - $105
Swift$60 - $140
Corona$35 - $90
Appcelerator Titanium$40 - $110
NativeScript$45 - $115
Adobe PhoneGap$40 - $105
Framework 7$35 - $100
jQuery Mobile$30 - $95

Swift developers, often focused on iOS development, tend to command the highest hourly rates, followed by Xamarin and React Native developers, reflecting the demand and expertise associated with these frameworks. Flutter and NativeScript developers are situated in the middle of the range, indicative of their growing popularity and community support. 

Developers specializing in Corona, Appcelerator Titanium, Adobe PhoneGap, Framework 7, and jQuery Mobile generally have lower hourly rates, which may correlate with the more niche or declining demand for these technologies. These rates vary significantly based on the developer’s experience, location, and other factors.


Our guide on the hourly rates for Xamarin developers has provided an essential overview for understanding what these professionals earn in today’s market. Whether you’re a Xamarin developer determining your rate or an employer planning your project budget, this guide offers valuable insights into the factors that shape these rates. 

With this information, you can make informed decisions in the evolving landscape of mobile app development with Xamarin. You can check out our Xamarin Developer Salary Guide to learn about the annual salary rates you can earn in the US and across the world. We bring you a complete Xamarin Developer Hiring Guide, along with the Xamarin Developer Job description and Xamarin Interview Questions guide. which will help you in the process of hiring a Xamarin developer in 2023.

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