Flask Certifications


Top Flask Certifications and Courses to Level-Up Your Programming Skills in 2023

Flask, a widely used Python microframework for building web applications, has gained significant popularity among developers, making it a sought-after skill in the software industry. Flask offers a straightforward way to develop web applications, and the demand for Flask developers remains on the rise.

For those looking to enhance their Flask skills or kickstart a career in Flask web development, considering certifications or enrolling in courses can be a valuable step. In this article, we’ll explore some of the top Flask certifications and courses available in 2023.

1. Python Flask for Beginner Course by Udemy

“Python Flask for Beginners” by Udemy teaches you how to write your first Python Flask web application. The course was created by Jose Salvatierra and has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 from 5,799 ratings. The course covers topics such as writing your first Flask app, creating templates, using databases, and deploying your app to the web. The course has a total length of 5.5 hours, is divided into 61 lectures, and is priced at $17.99. 

The modules of this course include;

Introduction: This topic covers the course outline and the layout, and it basically gives an in-depth overview of the course. 

Basic: This section will cover the basics of the course including creating a venv and installing Flask, creating your first, simple, text-based Flask app, handling HTTP GET and POST request methods in Flask, and finally, testing your knowledge.

Getting technical: In this topic, you will learn about getting started with Jinja2 HTML templates, styling your Flask app with CSS, creating a web form in Flask, and a final knowledge testing.

Challenge: This is the final section of this course, and as the name suggests, it’s a challenge! You have to create a BMI calculator using Flask in this challenge in order to complete the course successfully and receive the certificate of completion.

Course Benefits:

  • Comprehensive coverage of Flask features
  • Emphasis on basic and best practices during Flask development
  • Practical solutions for common coding challenges
  • Suitable for beginners and students just starting to learn Flask

This course aims to provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills to become proficient in Flask development, which can make you a valuable asset in the web development industry.

2. Full Stack Web Development with Flask by LinkedIn Learning

Full Stack Web Development with Flask teaches you how to build dynamic web applications using Python and Flask, the popular microframework for Python. The course covers topics such as working with databases, web forms, Flask-Security, and more. The course was created by Christian Hur and has a rating of 4.6 out of 5 from 383 ratings. The course has a total length of 2 hours+ and is priced at $29.99 per month after a 1-month free trial.

The course includes 6 sections and each section has separate topics that cover different aspects of Flask making it suitable for both beginners and experienced developers.

  1. Setup: Setting up the virtual environment and framework, installing Python, configuring Flask, and creating and running a simple Flask application.
  2. Creating a Flask project: This topic will teach you about creating an enrollment application for the Flask project, running and configuring the development server, creating the homepage, and creating navigation links and route patterns.
  3. Working with Templates: This section includes eight subsections and they cover different parts of working with templates using Flask. This includes creating the base template, creating child templates, passing data to the view, accessing data via request and response objects, URL variables, working with the GET method, working with the POST method, and finally sending a JSON. 
  4. Working with Databases: You will learn about installing database systems, setting up the database, connecting to the database, creating documents and databases, and creating different models.
  5. Working with web forms and Flask security: This topic covers the installation and configuration, creating the login and deregistration pages, updating the login route and login template, flashing messages, displaying form validation error messages, processing form data, and updating the database, updating login route to interact with the database, updating registration route to interact with the database, creating the courses page, creating the enrollment page, updating the enrollment template, creating the MangoDB aggregation pipeline to application, creating sessions and authentication, setting up the session for logout and enrollment routes, updating the navigation and testing the session, and finally adding the welcome message to layout. 
  6. Creating and Testing REST APIs using Postman: This final section will cover installing Postman and the Flask-RESTPlus APIs extension, fetching data using GET, inserting data using POST, updating data using PUT, and lastly, deleting data using DELETE.

By completing this intermediate course, you can gain good knowledge about the Flask programming language and how to use it in real-world software development projects.

3. Full Stack Foundations with Flask by Udacity

Full Stack Foundations teaches you the fundamentals of back-end web development using Flask. The course covers topics such as creating your own web application that queries a database for items on restaurant menus and then dynamically generates complete menus in the form of web pages and API endpoints, interacting with a database from a web application using an Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) layer, exploring the Flask framework and the various ways in which it can speed up the development of your applications, and developing your very own web application from the ground up using the iterative development process. The course was created by Udacity and has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 from 625 ratings. The course has a total length of approximately 3 weeks and is divided into 4 sections, 14 lectures, and 4 quizzes. The Flask certificate course is free to enroll in.

Course modules include;

  1. Introduction to Flask: This topic is an overview of Flask and Back-End Web Development and it also builds the fundamental setting of your development environment.
  2. Building Web Applications: This topic covers creating web applications that query databases and dynamic generation of web pages and API endpoints.
  3. Interacting with Databases: This topic will cover exploring Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) Layers and establishing database interactions from web applications. 
  4. Flask Framework Mastery: You will learn to harness the power of Flask to accelerate development, and create a web application from Scratch using an iterative development approach. 

Course Benefits:

  • Gain a solid foundation in back-end web development with Flask
  • Learn to create web applications that query databases and generate dynamic content
  • Understand the Flask framework’s capabilities for speeding up development
  • Develop a complete web application using an iterative development process
  • The course is free to access

Upon completing the “Full Stack Foundations” course, you will have the essential knowledge and skills needed to create dynamic and database-driven web applications with Flask. Whether you are starting your journey in web development or looking to expand your skill set, this course provides valuable insights into the world of back-end web development using Flask.

4. Developing RESTFUL APIs Using Flask by LinkedIn Learning

Developing RESTFUL APIs using Flask is a course offered by Linkedin. This includes two hours of recorded lectures and a final project. Whether you are working on web or mobile platforms, the creation of APIs is indispensable for enabling seamless data exchange among diverse client applications and endpoints. In the contemporary landscape of web and mobile development, robust APIs are at the heart of applications, particularly given the mobile-first approach. This course equips you with the essential foundational knowledge to establish highly connected interactions between applications through RESTful APIs. Led by instructor Bruce Van Horn, you will embark on a journey to swiftly develop, secure, and rigorously test an efficient RESTful API using Python in tandem with Flask, the lightweight Python micro-framework. 

Explore how to harness Flask to tackle common tasks, including database access and authentication. Additionally, you will delve into some valuable plugins that streamline the use of Flask, making the process even more efficient.

Course Modules include:

  1. Introduction to RESTful APIs: This section will cover the basics including understanding the Significance of APIs in Modern Development.
  2. Foundations of Flask and Python: In this section, you will be exploring Flask and Python for API Development.
  3. Swift API Development: You will learn about rapidly creating RESTful APIs with Flask and Python.
  4. Securing Your API: In this section, you will be exposed to the techniques for ensuring the security of your RESTful API.
  5. Thorough API Testing: In this section, you will be rigorous testing techniques for your RESTful API using Flask.
  6. Advanced Flask Features: Finally, you will be exposed to the advanced features of Flask and leverage Flask’s capabilities for complex tasks.

Course Benefits:

  • Comprehensive understanding of RESTful API development
  • Hands-on experience in building a robust API with Flask and Python
  • Insights into securing and testing APIs effectively
  • Proficiency in using Flask to simplify common development tasks
  • Valuable knowledge for enhancing your web and mobile development skills

By completing this course, you will acquire the expertise needed to excel in the world of RESTful API development. Whether you are a novice or an experienced developer, this course equips you with the essential skills to create efficient and secure APIs using Python and Flask, enabling seamless data exchange between applications and endpoints.

5. Flask Essential Training by LinkedIn Learning

Flask Essential Training is a training course offered by Linkedin Learning that teaches you the basics of Flask, a Python framework for building lightweight and dynamic web applications. The course covers topics such as web development with Flask, the pros and cons of Flask, technologies to use, demo project overview, Flask for Windows users, creating your first route in a Flask project, Flask’s development environment, page templates in Flask with Jinja, passing data into Flask apps with forms, using GET and POST requests in Flask, data flow in Flask, implementing sessions and cookies, creating JSON APIs, template blocks and base templates, templating Flask with Bootstrap, deployment and testing, blueprints and views for organization, testing your Flask app, WSGI servers and how they work, and deploying your Flask app with Gunicorn.

The course was created by Nick Walter and has a rating of 4.7 out of 5 from 385 ratings. The course has a total length of approximately 4 hours and is priced at $29.99 per month after a 1-month free trial.

Course Modules are

  1. Introduction: The introduction section includes a web development section with Flask, a discussion about the pros and cons of Flask, technologies to use, a demo project overview, and an overview of Flask for Windows users.
  2. First Flask App: This section will teach you about installing Flask and Pipenv, creating your first route in a Flask project, Flask’s development environment, page templates in Flask with Jinja, passing data into Flask apps with forms, passing form variables to other routes in Flask, and using GET and POST requests in Flask.
  3. Data Flow in Flask: You will learn about the ways of using redirect and url_for for error handling, saving to a JSON file, parsing a JSON file for conflicting entries, alerting users with message flashing, file uploads from users, variable rules in URLs, working with static files, and displaying custom error pages.
  4. Templates and Style: In this section, you will learn about implementing sessions and cookies, creating JSON APIs, template blocks and base templates, and templating Flask with Bootstrap.
  5. Deployment and Testing: You will learn about blueprints and views for organization, test your Flask app, and WSGI servers and how they work, and finally deploy your Flask app with Gunicorn.

Upon finishing this course, you will gain the proficiency required to thrive in the realm of RESTful API development. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this course will furnish you with the fundamental abilities necessary to construct streamlined and secure APIs utilizing Python and Flask, facilitating smooth data interchange among various applications and endpoints.

Here is a comparison between the courses for Yii mentioned above;

Course/ programCostLevelDurationStudy mode
Python Flask for BeginnersFreeBeginner49 minsOnline
Full Stack Web Development with Flask$26.99Intermediate5 hoursOnline
Full Stack Foundations with FlaskFreeBeginner / Intermediate3 weeksOnline
Building RESTful APIs with Flask$20.49Intermediate2 hours 32 hoursOnline
Flask Essential Training$14.80Beginner2 hours and 6 minsOnline

As illustrated in the table above, there are variances in the duration, cost, and skill level prerequisites for each of the Flask courses. Certain courses may have higher associated costs, while others are specifically structured to accommodate individuals with intermediate to advanced skills, assuming they possess the requisite prior knowledge. When deciding on the most suitable Flask courses, it is essential to meticulously evaluate your own skill level, financial constraints, and objectives.


Participating in a Flask certification or course can substantially boost your skill set and advance your career in the year 2023. With the right training, you can evolve into a skilled Flask developer, fully prepared to tackle engaging and demanding projects. Regardless of whether you are beginning your journey or are already an experienced developer, there’s a Flask course or certification program designed precisely to support you in achieving your career goals. We urge you to explore the available choices and choose the one that best suits your specific needs and level of expertise.

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