Developer Salaries


A Guide to Software Developer Salaries in Peru

The technology sector in Peru, with a strong focus on software development, has witnessed substantial expansion recently. This upswing is reflective of the wider technological evolution across Latin America. For those wishing to hire and onboard offshore talent from the LatAms, gaining knowledge of software developer salaries in Peru is vital.

1. An Average Annual Overview of Software Developer Salaries in Peru


The average salary for a software developer in Peru is approximately S/25,406, as per the latest data available on PayScale. This figure provides a general benchmark for understanding software developer salaries in the Peruvian tech industry. This salary range is a key indicator of the economic environment and the value placed on tech professionals in the region, reflecting both the local market conditions and the demand for software development skills. It’s important to note that this average can vary based on factors like experience, specific skills, and geographical location within Peru.


Average Annual Salary of Software Developer in Peru




2. A Detailed Breakdown of Software Developer Salaries by Experience Levels


According to in Peru, the annual salary of a software developer shows a notable progression with experience. For those with 0-2 years of experience, the salary starts at 51,900 PEN. As experience grows, the salary increases significantly, with a 42% rise to 77,400 PEN for those with 2-5 years of experience. This upward trend continues, with developers having 5-10 years of experience earning 97,460 PEN, a 31% increase. 

More seasoned developers with 10-15 years of experience see a 23% increase, earning 123,400 PEN. Those with 15-20 years of experience have a slight increase of 6%, taking them to 128,500 PEN. Finally, developers with over 20 years of experience reach the peak, earning 143,200 PEN, a 10% increase from the previous bracket. This data illustrates a clear correlation between experience and salary for software developers in Peru, emphasizing the value of experience in this field.


Software Developer Salaries by Experience Levels



3. Understanding the Average Salary Increment for Software Developers in Peru


According to Salary Explorer in Peru, the typical pay raise for a Software Developer averages at 12% every 19 months, which is higher than the national average across all professions in Peru, set at around 9% every 17 months. To align this with an annual perspective, the formula (Increase Rate ÷ Months) × 12 can be applied. For software developers, this equates to approximately an 8% increase annually. This calculation suggests that software developers in Peru can anticipate an average annual salary increase of about 8%, a reflection of the specialized skills and demand in the tech sector.


Average Salary Increment for Software Developers in Peru




4. Exploring the Tech Industry’s Rapid Growth in Peru


According to The World Bank – TCdata360, Peru’s technology landscape is witnessing remarkable growth, indicating a promising future. This growth is anchored in robust tech infrastructure, burgeoning startups, and substantial growth in software-related sectors.

Key initiatives propelling this growth include the planned network of 11 Science and Technology Parks by the government, the ProInnóvate program boosting software development, the startup-friendly environment fostered by Startup Peru, and UTEC Ventures’ support in tech education and startup funding. The MIT REAP program also plays a significant role in bolstering local businesses.

Additionally, Peruvian developers actively engage in community events, hackathons, and innovative challenges, contributing to a vibrant tech culture. This dynamic environment is vital for understanding the evolving landscape of software developer salaries in Peru.


Tech Industry's Rapid Growth in Peru




5. Analyzing How Academic Credentials Shape Software Developer Salaries in Peru


According to The World Bank – TCdata360, Peru stands out in Latin America for its exceptional software development talent. Notably, it leads the region with the highest proportion of engineering degrees, boasting a remarkable 29.6% as of 2020. The country’s investment in top-notch educational institutions like the UTEC campuses and prestigious universities such as the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru and the University of the Pacific, underscores its commitment to technology education. Although Peru may not match the sheer number of developers in Brazil, Mexico, or Argentina, it still boasts a significant IT workforce of over 38,000 professionals, a testament to its growing prominence in the tech sector.


Academic Credentials Shape Software Developer Salaries in Peru


UMC: Upper Middle Countries



6. Software Developer Salaries in Peru vs. the United States


According to Glassdoor in the United States, the average annual salary for a Software Developer is approximately $105,598. However, when considering additional income such as cash bonuses, commissions, tips, and profit sharing, the total compensation increases to around $112,288 per year. This reflects the competitive tech market in the U.S., where additional pay components are significant factors in the overall remuneration package for software developers.

In contrast, in Peru, a Software Developer earns an average salary of about $4,800 (converted from PEN) per month, amounting to roughly $57,600 annually. Including additional pay elements, which can consist of bonuses and other incentives, the total average monthly pay rises to approximately $9,600 (converted from PEN), or around $115,200 annually. This highlights the differences in compensation structures and the economic context between the U.S. and Peru in the tech industry.


Peru – Monthly Salary


Peru -Software Developer Monthly Salary




USA – Annual Salary


USA -Software Developer Annual Salary




7. Exploring Salaries for Software Developers Across Various Technologies


According to Glassdoor, comparing the salaries of software developers in the USA and Peru reveals distinct differences across various technologies. In both countries, Python and Ruby developers tend to be among the highest earners. Conversely, those specializing in PHP generally receive lower compensation in comparison to other technologies. While Java, iOS, and Android developers occupy a mid-range salary bracket, the earnings for JavaScript and Node.js professionals also show significant variance between the two countries. This data underscores the varying valuation of specific tech skills in the global software development market, particularly between the USA and Peru.


TechnologyAverage Salary for USA Developers (USD)Average Salary for Peru Developers (USD)
Python$175,000 - $195,000$65,000 - $96,000
JavaScript$165,000 - $185,000$60,000 - $94,000
Node.js$165,000 - $185,000$68,000 - $96,000
Ruby$175,000 - $200,000$75,000 - $108,000
PHP$135,000 - $145,000$56,000 - $84,000
Java$152,000 - $175,000$70,000 - $94,000
iOS$150,000 - $182,000$72,000 - $92,000
Android$150,000 - $185,000$67,000 - $84,000


8. Navigating City-Wise Variations in Software Developer Salaries Across Peru


According to, the average annual salaries of software developers across different cities in Peru show interesting variations. Cities like Arequipa and Trujillo are at the higher end of the salary spectrum, indicating a robust demand for tech skills in these regions.

 In contrast, cities such as Cusco and Iquitos present slightly lower salary averages, reflecting regional differences in the tech industry’s development and economic factors. Middle-tier cities like Chiclayo and Huancayo offer competitive salaries, balancing between the higher and lower ends. These disparities highlight the diverse economic landscapes and opportunities for software developers within Peru’s various urban centers.


CityAverage Annual Salary (PEN)
Arequipa86,800 PEN
Chiclayo82,920 PEN
Cusco79,500 PEN
Huancayo84,780 PEN
Iquitos80,520 PEN
Trujillo88,300 PEN


9. A Comparative Look at Software Developer Salaries Across Latin America


According to Glassdoor in a comparison of average annual salaries for software developers across various Latin American countries, there’s a noticeable range. Countries like Colombia, Brazil, and Argentina tend to offer higher salaries, indicative of their tech sectors’ development and demand for skilled developers. Mexico’s salary average also reflects a strong tech industry. However, Chile presents a lower average, which could be influenced by various economic or industry-specific factors. This variance across LATAM countries highlights the diverse economic and technological landscapes influencing software developer salaries in the region.


CountryAverage Annual Salary (USD)


10. Key Factors Driving Software Developer Salaries in Peru


Several influential factors shape software developer salaries in Peru:


  1. Experience and Expertise: As with many professions, experience significantly impacts salary. Developers with more years in the industry and advanced skill sets command higher wages.


  1. Educational Background: Degrees in relevant fields and certifications can influence earning potential, with higher qualifications often leading to better pay.


  1. Industry Demand: Certain sectors within the tech industry may offer higher salaries due to specialized skill requirements or higher demand for developers.


  1. Company Size and Type: Larger companies or multinational corporations often have the resources to offer higher salaries compared to startups or local firms.


  1. Geographic Location: Salaries can vary within Peru, with urban centers like Lima typically offering higher pay due to the concentration of tech companies and the cost of living.


  1. Technology and Specialization: Specialization in high-demand or emerging technologies can lead to higher salaries, as these skills are often in short supply.


  1. Cost-Effective Salaries: Compared to other countries, software developer salaries in Peru are relatively more affordable, making it a cost-effective option for companies looking to hire skilled developers without breaking the bank.


  1. Highly Skilled Talent Pool: Peru has a growing pool of highly skilled software developers, ensuring access to top-quality talent.


  1. Favorable Time Zone: Peru’s time zone is convenient for collaboration with North American companies, facilitating real-time communication.


  1. Cultural Compatibility: Peruvian developers often share cultural similarities with Western countries, particularly in business practices, which can lead to smoother project management and teamwork.


  1. English Proficiency: Many software developers in Peru have a good command of English, essential for effective communication in global projects.


  1. Government Support for IT Sector: The Peruvian government has initiatives to boost the IT sector, which means a more stable and supportive environment for hiring software developers.


  1. Flexible Labor Laws: Peru has relatively flexible labor laws, which can be advantageous for foreign companies in terms of hiring and contracts.


  1. Emerging Market Opportunities: Hiring developers in an emerging market like Peru offers the opportunity to tap into new markets and customer bases, as the developers may have insights into local trends and consumer behaviors.


11. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. Does the type of company affect a software developer’s salary in Peru?

      – Yes, larger or international companies might offer higher salaries compared to local startups.


  1. How do software developer salaries in Peru compare with other Latin American countries?

   – Salaries for software developers in Peru are competitive within the Latin American region, with some variations based on the specific country and its economic conditions.


  1. What factors influence a software developer’s salary in Peru?

   – Key factors include experience level, specific programming skills, the sector or industry they are working in, company size, and geographical location within Peru.


  1. Do software developers in Peru receive additional benefits apart from the base salary?

   – Yes, software developers often receive additional benefits such as bonuses, profit sharing, health insurance, and sometimes remote work opportunities.


  1. Is there a difference in salary between freelance and full-time software developers in Peru?

   – Yes, freelance software developers may have variable earnings based on the projects they undertake, while full-time employees usually have a fixed salary with potential additional benefits.


  1. What are the highest-paying cities for software developers in Peru?

   – Larger cities like Lima generally offer higher salaries due to a higher concentration of tech companies and the cost of living.


  1. How does experience level affect a software developer’s salary in Peru?

   – Generally, more experienced software developers earn higher salaries, reflecting their advanced skills and contributions to projects or teams.


  1. Are there specific programming languages or technologies that command higher salaries in Peru?

   – Yes, developers with skills in high-demand or emerging technologies like AI, cloud computing, and specific programming languages may command higher salaries.


  1. How often do software developers in Peru typically receive salary raises?

   – This can vary, but on average, salary raises are common every 12 to 19 months, with the percentage increase dependent on various factors including individual performance and company policies.


  1. What is the job outlook for software developers in Peru?

   – The job outlook for software developers in Peru is positive, with continued growth in the tech sector and an increasing demand for skilled developers in various industries.




Understanding software developer salaries in Peru is crucial for professionals in the tech industry. The annual salary varies significantly based on factors such as experience, location, and industry demand, reflecting the diverse and evolving nature of Peru’s tech landscape. 

While junior developers start with comparatively lower salaries, there is considerable growth potential, with senior developers earning substantially more. This variance underscores the importance of continuous skill development and staying abreast of industry trends. Clouddevs offers reasonably priced software developers in Peru for any of your projects, no matter how big or small. Overall, the software developer salary structure in Peru offers promising prospects for those in the field.

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