BigCommerce Functions


How to Transform Your BigCommerce Store with Enhanced UX

In the competitive world of e-commerce, your storefront’s user experience (UX) can be the difference between a sale and a lost customer. BigCommerce, as a leading e-commerce platform, provides numerous features and customization options to aid merchants in optimizing their UX. Here, we’ll delve into ways you can leverage these functionalities to create a seamless, enjoyable, and efficient shopping experience for your visitors.

How to Transform Your BigCommerce Store with Enhanced UX

1. Mobile Optimization

Over 50% of e-commerce traffic comes from mobile devices. If your BigCommerce store isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re potentially alienating half of your audience.

Example: Use responsive themes that adapt to different screen sizes. Themes like “Cornerstone” are mobile-optimized out of the box, ensuring that mobile users can navigate your store and complete purchases with ease.

2. Streamlined Navigation

A complicated menu can overwhelm users. Keep your site’s navigation simple, intuitive, and consistent.

Example: Instead of crowding your main menu with every single product category, group similar categories under broader headings. For instance, “Men’s Wear” and “Women’s Wear” can house various clothing categories, preventing the main menu from becoming cluttered.

3. Effective Search Functionality

A search bar is crucial for users who know what they’re looking for and don’t want to navigate through multiple pages.

Example: Implement a search bar with auto-suggestions. As a user types, products or categories that match the input can appear in a dropdown, speeding up the search process.

4. High-Quality Images and Zoom Feature

Clear, high-resolution images give users a better understanding of what they’re buying. The ability to zoom allows for detailed examination.

Example: For a product like a handcrafted necklace, offer multiple angles and a zoom-in feature so customers can appreciate the intricacies and craftsmanship.

5. Product Reviews and Ratings

Reviews build trust and provide insights that product descriptions might not offer.

Example: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews. Offer incentives like discounts or loyalty points for writing a review to boost participation.

6. Transparent and Detailed Product Information

Nobody likes surprises when shopping. Provide as much product information as possible, from dimensions to materials and care instructions.

Example: Selling furniture? List measurements, weight capacity, material types, and care instructions. Also, consider providing assembly videos or manuals.

7. Clear Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons

Your CTA buttons (like “Add to Cart” or “Buy Now”) should stand out and be easy to find.

Example: Make your “Add to Cart” button a contrasting color from the site’s primary color scheme. If your site is mainly blue, a bright orange button might be an attention-grabber.

8. Seamless Checkout Process

A complicated checkout can result in abandoned carts. Streamline the process as much as possible.

Example: Offer guest checkout options for users who don’t want to create an account. Also, provide multiple payment methods, including digital wallets like Apple Pay or PayPal, for added convenience.

9. Transparent Shipping and Return Policies

Clear policies can alleviate concerns and build trust.

Example: Have a dedicated page for shipping and return information. Highlight points like “Free Returns within 30 days” or “Track Your Order in Real Time”.

10. Live Chat Support

Immediate assistance can be the difference between a sale and a bounce.

Example: Integrate a live chat feature, ensuring someone is available during peak shopping hours. If 24/7 support isn’t feasible, consider chatbots to handle frequently asked questions.

11. Personalized Recommendations

Personalization enhances the shopping experience and can lead to increased sales.

Example: Use BigCommerce integrations like “Nosto” to analyze user behavior and provide product recommendations. If a user frequently buys athletic shoes, they might appreciate recommendations for running apparel.


Enhancing the user experience on your BigCommerce store isn’t just about aesthetics or the latest tech gimmicks. It’s about understanding your customers’ needs, making their shopping journey as smooth as possible, and ultimately driving sales and loyalty. Implementing some (or all) of the above strategies can provide a significant boost to your store’s UX and, by extension, your bottom line. Remember, in e-commerce, the user’s experience is paramount. Ensure it’s a pleasant one.