Elixir Q & A


What are the basic data types in Elixir?

Elixir provides a set of fundamental data types that serve as the building blocks for creating data structures and manipulating data within the language. Here are the basic data types in Elixir:


  1. Integer (Integer Literals): Elixir supports integers, which can be represented in decimal, hexadecimal (prefixed with `0x`), or binary (prefixed with `0b`) notation. For example, `42`, `0x1F`, and `0b1010` are all valid integer literals in Elixir.


  1. Floating-Point (Float Literals): Floating-point numbers in Elixir are represented using the decimal notation. For instance, `3.14` is a floating-point literal.


  1. Atoms: Atoms are constants with names. They are typically used to represent symbols or unique identifiers. Atoms are written as lowercase letters or symbols, enclosed in colons. For example, `:ok`, `:error`, and `:apple` are atoms.


  1. Booleans: Elixir has two Boolean values: `true` and `false`. These values represent the truth or falsehood of expressions and conditions in the language.


  1. Strings: Strings in Elixir are enclosed in double quotes, such as `”Hello, Elixir!”`. Elixir strings are UTF-8 encoded by default, making them suitable for working with a wide range of characters and languages.


  1. Lists: Lists in Elixir are ordered collections of elements enclosed in square brackets, like `[1, 2, 3]`. Lists can contain elements of different data types and are typically used for simple data structures.


  1. Tuples: Tuples are also ordered collections of elements, but they are enclosed in curly braces and are typically used for grouping related data. For example, `{1, “apple”, :ok}` is a tuple containing three elements of different types.


  1. Maps: Maps are key-value data structures, and they are enclosed in `%{}`. Maps allow you to associate keys with values, making them versatile for various data storage and manipulation tasks.


  1. Binaries: Binaries are sequences of raw binary data, and they are enclosed in `<<>>`. Binaries are often used for tasks like file I/O and working with binary protocols.


  1. Functions: In Elixir, functions are also a fundamental data type. Functions can be assigned to variables, passed as arguments, and returned from other functions, allowing for powerful functional programming capabilities.


These basic data types in Elixir provide the foundation for working with data and building complex data structures and algorithms within the language. Understanding these data types is essential for effective Elixir programming.



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