iOS Developer Salaries


Want to Know What an iOS Developer Makes? Here’s the Ultimate Salary Guide!

The average annual salary for an iOS Developer in the United States is $125,946. However, there’s a variation in what iOS Developers earn, with the lower 25th percentile making approximately $105,500 and those in the higher 75th percentile earning up to $143,000. This indicates a significant spread in the salary distribution for this profession.

Also, It is important to be aware of the current rates for the skill before you start to hire iOS developers for your project. Whether you’re an experienced iOS developer or just starting out, this guide will provide valuable insights into what you can expect in terms of annual earnings in this highly dynamic and sought-after field. Let’s dive into the world of iOS development and its financial rewards.

An Insight into the Average Annual Salary of iOS Developers

When comparing average annual salaries for iOS Developers across platforms, we observe noticeable variations. ZipRecruiter tends to offer competitive rates for Junior and Mid-Level Developers, closely aligning with Glassdoor’s figures. Indeed, while on the lower end for Junior Developers, quotes have a notably higher rate for Senior Developers than any other platform. stands out with the highest estimates for Junior Developers and maintains a competitive stance for Mid-Level and Senior roles.

ios dev salary ziprecruiter

A Comprehensive Look at iOS Developer Annual Salaries by Country

CountryAverage Annual Salary (USD)
United States$125,946
United Kingdom$106,000

iOS Developer salaries vary considerably across countries. The United States possesses the highest average salary, closely followed by Australia. European countries such as the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands present competitive figures, while salaries in Eastern Europe, like Ukraine and Poland, are comparatively lower. 

In Asia, Japan leads in remuneration, while China and India offer more affordable rates. The Latin American region, represented by Brazil and Mexico, showcases lower-end salary averages. Canada and Israel also have competitive earnings, slightly below the U.S. but above many other countries.

Statistics from suggest that even in the United States, the salary obtained by iOS developers varies according to the state. The highest salary is obtained by developers in Massachusetts followed by developers in California, Washington, New York, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Arizona, Connecticut, and Virginia coming in tenth place.

Further, details that in the United States, the average annual salary for an iOS developer is $126,897 per year. Entry-level positions start at $107,031 per year, while the most experienced workers can earn up to $160,647 per year.

ios dev salary

Comparing iOS Developer Salaries Across Leading Programming Languages

Swift and Objective-C are integral languages for iOS development. Swift, a modern programming language introduced by Apple, offers powerful and intuitive features, making it a preferred choice for many new iOS applications. On the other hand, Objective-C has been around longer, serving as the original language for Apple app development before Swift’s inception. Given their central roles in the iOS ecosystem, both Swift and Objective-C developers command competitive salaries.

For iOS app development, the primary programming languages used are Swift and Objective-C. While Swift has gained popularity due to its modern syntax and features, many legacy applications written in Objective-C are still in use and maintenance.

Programming LanguageAverage Annual Salary (USD)
Swift$105,500 - $143,000
Objective-C$101,500 - $144,000
Kotlin$105,000 - $143,000
Golang$104,000 - $147,000
Java$99,000 - $131,000
C#$76,500 - $122,500
JavaScript$94,000 - $140,000
Dart$79,500 - $127,000
React Native$106,000 - $157,000
HTML/CSS$122,500 - $127,500

In terms of average annual salaries across different programming languages, Swift, Objective-C, Kotlin, Golang, and React Native developers tend to be in the higher bracket, reflecting their demand and versatility in the tech industry. Java and JavaScript offer mid-tier salaries, with Dart and C# leaning towards the lower to mid-range. Interestingly, HTML/CSS specialists have a narrow salary range, indicating less variability for those professionals.

According to Glassdoor in the United States, an iOS Developer’s estimated total annual income is around $125,564. This figure comprises a median base salary of $117,944 per year. On top of this, iOS Developers can anticipate an average additional compensation of $7,621 annually, which may include elements like cash bonuses, commissions, tips, and profit sharing.

ios dev salary glassdoor


This blog post offers a detailed view of the annual compensation for iOS developers. It emphasizes how experience, geographic location, and market trends play a crucial role in determining salaries. This guide is a vital resource for iOS developers to understand their earning potential and for employers to ensure they are offering competitive salaries in the fast-paced and evolving field of mobile app development.

You can check out our iOS Developer Hourly Rate Guide to learn about the hourly rates you can earn in the US and across the world. We bring you a complete iOS Developer Hiring Guide along with the iOS Developer Job Description and iOS Interview Questions guide which will help you in the process of hiring a Shopify developer in 2023.

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Skilled iOS Engineer with extensive experience developing cutting-edge mobile solutions. Over 7 years in iOS development.