iOS Q & A


How do I perform network requests in iOS apps?

Performing network requests in iOS apps allows them to communicate with remote servers, fetch data from APIs, and interact with web services. iOS provides several frameworks and APIs for making network requests, including URLSession and third-party libraries like Alamofire. Here’s how you can perform network requests in iOS apps using URLSession:


  • Create URLSession Configuration: Before making network requests, you need to create a URLSession configuration object that specifies the behavior and characteristics of the URLSession, such as caching policies, timeout intervals, and security settings.
  • Create URLSession Instance: Once you have a URLSession configuration, you can create a URLSession instance using that configuration. URLSession is responsible for managing network tasks and handling the communication between the app and remote servers.
  • Create URLRequest: To make a network request, you need to create a URLRequest object that represents the request to be sent to the server. The URLRequest includes the URL of the remote resource, HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), headers, and body data if applicable.
  • Perform Data Task: Use the URLSession instance to create and perform a data task for fetching data from the specified URL. URLSession provides various types of tasks, including data tasks, download tasks, and upload tasks. A data task retrieves the contents of a URL as NSData in memory.
  • Handle Response: Once the data task is completed, the URLSession delegate methods are called to handle the server response, including HTTP status code, response headers, and response data. You can parse the response data and handle errors or exceptions accordingly.
  • Parse Response Data: After receiving the response data from the server, parse the data into the desired format, such as JSON, XML, or binary data. Depending on the content type of the response, you may use built-in APIs or third-party libraries to parse the data into usable objects or structures.
  • Update UI: Once the response data is parsed successfully, update the app’s user interface with the fetched data or trigger appropriate actions based on the response. This may involve updating UI components, displaying data in table views or collection views, or notifying the user of any changes or updates.


By following these steps, you can effectively perform network requests in iOS apps using URLSession and handle the server responses to fetch and process data from remote servers or APIs.

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