Laravel Q & A


How to run migrations in Laravel?

Running migrations in Laravel is an essential aspect of database management and schema updates. Migrations allow developers to define and modify the structure of their database tables in a version-controlled and organized manner. Here’s a human-friendly guide on how to run migrations in Laravel:


To start, open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of your Laravel project. Laravel’s migration system is managed through the Artisan command-line interface, which provides a variety of helpful commands to streamline development tasks.


Once you’re in your project directory, you can use the following Artisan command to run migrations:

php artisan migrate

Running this command tells Laravel to execute any outstanding migrations that haven’t been applied to your database yet. Laravel keeps track of which migrations have already been run and ensures that only new migrations are executed, preventing any duplication or conflicts in your database schema.


Behind the scenes, Laravel reads the migration files located in the database/migrations directory of your project. These migration files contain PHP code that defines the changes you want to make to your database structure, such as creating or modifying tables, adding columns, or defining indexes.


When you run the php artisan migrate command, Laravel executes the up method defined in each migration file that hasn’t been applied yet. This method contains the code necessary to apply the migration’s changes to your database schema.


After running migrations, Laravel updates its internal migration table to record the fact that the migrations have been successfully applied. This ensures that subsequent calls to php artisan migrate only execute new migrations that haven’t been run before.


It’s worth noting that Laravel also provides additional options and flags that you can use with the php artisan migrate command to perform specific tasks, such as rolling back migrations, resetting the database, or running migrations for a specific set of paths.


Running migrations in Laravel is a straightforward process that helps you manage your database schema efficiently and keep it synchronized with your application’s codebase. By leveraging Laravel’s built-in migration system, you can ensure that your database remains in a consistent state throughout the development lifecycle of your application.


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Experienced Full Stack Engineer with expertise in Laravel and AWS. 7 years of hands-on Laravel development, leading impactful projects and teams.