

Laravel Dusk: The Ultimate Tool for Web Developers & Testers Alike

In the realm of web application development, one can never stress enough the importance of testing. Automated tests ensure that new changes don’t introduce regressions, thus maintaining the integrity of the application. Among the myriad of testing tools, Laravel Dusk stands out for its intuitive, browser-based testing capabilities. In this blog post, we’ll delve into Laravel Dusk, demonstrating its power for browser automation and testing.

Laravel Dusk: The Ultimate Tool for Web Developers & Testers Alike

1. What is Laravel Dusk?

Laravel Dusk provides an expressive, easy-to-use browser automation and testing API. Unlike the usual HTTP tests, Dusk tests use a real browser, which allows you to test JavaScript-driven applications. By offering a direct API into ChromeDriver and even support for other drivers, Dusk ensures your application works flawlessly in real-life browsers.

1.1 Setting Up Laravel Dusk

Before diving into the code, let’s set up Laravel Dusk:

  1. Install it via composer:
composer require --dev laravel/dusk
  1. Next, register the `DuskServiceProvider`:
// app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php

use Laravel\Dusk\DuskServiceProvider;

public function register()
    if ($this->app->environment('local', 'testing')) {
  1. Lastly, run `php artisan dusk:install` to install Dusk and generate the scaffolding.

2. Writing Your First Dusk Test

Laravel Dusk’s tests are located in the `tests/Browser` directory. Let’s write a basic test to ensure the home page loads correctly:

// tests/Browser/ExampleTest.php

use Laravel\Dusk\Browser;
use Tests\DuskTestCase;

class ExampleTest extends DuskTestCase
    /** @test */
    public function basicExample()
        $this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {

Run the test with `php artisan dusk`, and Dusk will automatically handle starting a ChromeDriver instance and running the test.

3. Advanced Dusk Interactions

Now that you have a grasp of the basics, let’s delve deeper with more advanced interactions.

3.1. Form Interaction

For instance, if we want to test a login form:

$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
            ->type('email', '')
            ->type('password', 'secret')

3.2. JavaScript Interactions

With Dusk, JavaScript interactions, like clicking Vue.js components, are a breeze:

$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
            ->click('@notification-link')  // Vue component identifier
            ->waitForText('Notification Loaded')
            ->assertSee('New Notification');

3.3. Pages & Components

Leveraging the Page Object pattern, Dusk allows for expressive testing. Imagine having a `Login` page:

// tests/Browser/Pages/LoginPage.php

class LoginPage extends Page
    public function url()
        return '/login';

    public function assert(Browser $browser)

    public function typeEmail(Browser $browser, $email)
        $browser->type('email', $email);

    public function typePassword(Browser $browser, $password)
        $browser->type('password', $password);

In your test:

$this->browse(function (Browser $browser) {
    $browser->visit(new LoginPage)

4. Continuous Integration with Dusk

An essential aspect of testing is integrating it into a continuous integration (CI) process. Thankfully, Dusk is compatible with popular CI tools like Travis CI and GitHub Actions. With the `–headless` flag, Dusk runs in environments without GUI.


Laravel Dusk offers an expressive way to perform browser-based testing. From basic interactions to advanced JavaScript-driven applications, Dusk has got you covered. Embrace Dusk to ensure your Laravel applications are robust, reliable, and error-free in a real-world browsing context. Happy testing!

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Experienced Full Stack Engineer with expertise in Laravel and AWS. 7 years of hands-on Laravel development, leading impactful projects and teams.