Meteor Developer Salaries


The Comprehensive Annual Guide Every Meteor Developer Need

The average annual salary for a Meteor Developer in the United States stands at $104,840. This figure falls within a broader range where the majority of Meteor Developer salaries span from $79,500, marking the 25th percentile, to $127,000, which represents the 75th percentile. This indicates a significant salary variation based on experience and skill set within the profession.

It is important to be aware of the current rates for the skill before you start to hire Meteor developers for your project. Whether you are a seasoned Meteor developer or new to this JavaScript framework, this guide will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the potential earnings in this field. Let’s uncover the financial aspects of building applications with Meteor.

The Average Annual Salary of a Meteor Developer

When comparing average annual salaries for developers across ZipRecruiter, Glassdoor, and, some disparities are evident. For all three experience levels – Junior, Mid-Level, and Senior – consistently reports the highest salary estimates. ZipRecruiter’s estimates tend to fall on the lower end of the spectrum, especially for Junior positions. Glassdoor’s figures are intermediate, staying close to ZipRecruiter for senior roles but exceeding it noticeably for junior and mid-level roles.

Metor dev annual salary ziprecruiter

Understanding the Geographic Variance in Meteor Developer Salaries

RegionAverage Annual Salary (USD)
North America$75,000 - $130,000
South America$35,000 - $60,000
Western Europe$60,000 - $100,000
Eastern Europe$30,000 - $55,000
Australia$70,000 - $120,000
Asia$40,000 - $75,000
Africa$25,000 - $50,000

North America offers the most competitive salary ranges for Meteor Developers, closely followed by Australia and Western Europe. In contrast, South America, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa present more affordable figures, with Africa showing the lowest range. The disparities reflect broader economic trends, cost of living, and the concentration of the tech industry in these regions.

According to ZipRecruiter, the analysis reveals 10 cities where the average salary for a Meteor Developer exceeds the national average. Leading the pack is Richmond, CA, followed closely by Bellevue, WA, and Federal Way, WA. Notably, Federal Way, WA surpasses the national average by $19,613, a significant 18.7% increase, while Richmond, CA pushes this trend even further, offering $26,637 more, which is 25.4% above the average national salary of $104,840.

This data indicates that Meteor Developers could greatly benefit from relocating to these cities. With salaries in these 10 locations notably higher than the national average, opportunities for financial growth in this profession are particularly promising.

Metor dev annual salary by city ziprecruiter

Meteor’s Position Among Popular JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript FrameworkAverage Annual Salary (USD)
AngularJS$104,500 - $133,500
ReactJS$106,000 - $157,000
Vue.js$120,000 - $149,000
Node.js$108,500 - $153,000
Next.js$108,000 - $146,000
Express.js$99,088 - $146,735
Ember.js$96,000 - $142,000
Svelte$79,500 - $127,000
Gatsby$107,000 - $140,000

ReactJS developers tend to command the highest salary ceilings, followed closely by Vue.js and Node.js. On the other hand, Svelte and Meteor developers generally have a lower starting salary in comparison to most other frameworks listed. 

AngularJS, Next.js, Express.js, Ember.js, and Gatsby developers fall within a mid-range salary bracket, offering moderate to competitive salaries, with their ranges overlapping significantly with each other. This comparison suggests varying demand and market value for expertise in these respective frameworks.


This blog post offers a thorough examination of the annual income for professionals working with the Meteor framework. It highlights how factors like experience level, location, and prevailing tech market trends can influence salary rates. This guide serves as a valuable resource for Meteor developers to gauge their market worth and for employers to ensure their salary offerings are competitive and in line with industry standards in the realm of web and app development.

You can check out our Meteor Developer Hourly Rate Guide to learn about the hourly rates you can earn in the US and across the world. We bring you a complete Meteor Developer Hiring Guide along with the Meteor Developer Job Description and Meteor Interview Questions guide which will help you in the process of hiring a Meteor developer in 2023.

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