Hire MVC Developers within 24 Hours

CloudDevs is your trusted remote tech talent partner with over 8000 highly-vetted senior developers on board. We help you hire MVC developers from your local time zone with ease!

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Our MVC Developers

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How to Hire MVC Developers
through CloudDevs?

3 easy steps to hire MVC developers in 24 hours

Step 1
Get on a call and tell us what you're looking for. A good understanding of your needs will help us find you the right talent match.
Step 2
Get Matched
A couple of shortlisted talent profiles presented to you in 24 hours. You may have a call and interview the talent matches yourself.
Step 3
Start Trial
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1. What is ASP.NET MVC?

ASP.NET MVC is a framework for building web apps. It uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern within the ASP.NET platform. Microsoft developed ASP.NET MVC as an alternative to traditional Web Forms. It lets developers build web apps in a more modular and testable way. Here’s a detailed look at ASP.NET MVC:

  1. Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern: ASP.NET MVC follows the MVC model. This model divides an application into three main parts:
    • Model: Represents the application’s data and business logic. It interacts with the database and performs data manipulation.
    • View: Represents the user interface. It displays the data to the user and sends user actions to the controller.
    • Controller: Acts as an intermediary between the model and the view. It processes user requests, retrieves data from the model, and decides which view to display.
  2. Separation of Concerns: One of the key principles of ASP.NET MVC is the separation of concerns. Each part (model, view, and controller) has a specific job. Each part makes the code more organized and easier to maintain.
  3. Routing: ASP.NET MVC includes a powerful routing engine. It maps URLs to controller actions. This allows for clean, SEO-friendly URLs. It gives developers more control over the app’s URL structure.
  4. Testability: ASP.NET MVC is designed to be easily testable. Separating concerns lets developers unit test each part alone. This leads to code that is more reliable and maintainable.
  5. Extensibility: ASP.NET MVC is highly extensible. It lets developers customize and extend it. It supports third-party libraries and frameworks. This makes it easy to integrate with other tools.
  6. HTML Helpers: ASP.NET MVC provides HTML helper methods that simplify the process of generating HTML markup in views. These helpers help maintain a clean and readable view code.
  7. Client-Side Development: ASP.NET MVC blends with client-side tech. This includes JavaScript frameworks (e.g., Angular, React) and libraries (e.g., jQuery). It does this to build interactive and responsive web apps.
  8. Security Features: ASP.NET MVC has built-in security features. These include anti-forgery tokens, authentication, and authorization. They help developers build secure web apps.
  9. Performance: ASP.NET MVC is fast. It has features like bundling and minification of static resources. It also has output caching. And it has support for asynchronous programming. These features improve the responsiveness of web applications.
  10. Community and Support: Being a Microsoft technology, ASP.NET MVC has a large and active community of developers. There is a lot of documentation, tutorials, and forums. They help developers get started and fix issues.

ASP.NET MVC is a powerful and flexible framework for building modern web apps. It focuses on maintainable, testable, and high performance code.

2. What is ASP.NET MVC Used for?

Programmers use ASP.NET MVC for making dynamic web apps. The apps need a clear separation of concerns. This pattern lets developers make well-structured, testable, and scalable apps. They do this by splitting the app into distinct parts. These parts handle logic, user interface, and data management. This separation helps separate development, testing, and maintenance. ASP.NET MVC is a top choice for enterprise-level apps and projects that need to last.

3. Why Hire MVC Developers for Your Projects?

Hiring MVC developers brings a multitude of benefits to the table. ASP.NET MVC developers are great at building dynamic and responsive user interfaces. They are also good at maintaining strong backend systems. They are experts in MVC. It ensures your projects are efficient and effective. It gives a solid base for future growth.

Access to Expertise

MVC developers are skilled. They use the latest tools and tech to build fast web apps. They understand the MVC pattern deeply. This allows them to make scalable and maintainable solutions. Their solutions can adapt to changing business needs.

Separation of Concerns

The MVC architecture promotes a clear separation of concerns. It allows different parts of the app to be developed and kept independently. This separation improves code organization. It makes updates and extensions easier.

Rapid Development and Deployment

ASP.NET MVC supports fast development and deployment. It lets developers deliver high-quality apps quickly. The framework is modular. This allows for efficient debugging and testing. It ensures that issues are found and fixed promptly.

Scalability and Maintainability

ASP.NET MVC applications are inherently scalable and maintainable. The framework’s structure makes it easy to add new features and parts. This can be done without disturbing what’s already there. This scalability is crucial for projects that need to grow and evolve over time.

Integration with Modern Technologies

MVC integrates well with modern development tools. It works with practices like continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This integration streamlines the development process, allowing teams to deliver robust applications faster.

4. What Are the Main Features of ASP.NET MVC?

ASP.NET MVC is a powerful framework. It is for building dynamic web apps using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern. Here are the main features of ASP.NET MVC:

Separation of Concerns

  • Model: Manages the application data and business logic.
  • View: Handles the display of data and the user interface.
  • Controller: Manages user input and updates the model and view.


  • URL Mapping: Maps URL patterns to controller actions using the routing engine.
  • Attribute Routing: Allows for specifying routes directly on controller actions.

Razor View Engine

  • Razor Syntax: Provides an efficient way to embed server-based code into HTML markup.
  • Clean Code: Enables writing clean and maintainable HTML with embedded C# code.

Model Binding

  • Automatic Mapping: It maps incoming request data to model properties. It also maps it to action parameters. The data comes from form inputs and query strings.
  • Custom Binding: Supports custom model binders for more complex scenarios.


  • Data Annotations: Provides built-in validation attributes for model properties.
  • Client-Side Validation: Integrates with client-side validation frameworks like jQuery Validation.


  • Action Filters: Execute code before or after a controller action runs.
  • Authorization Filters: Handle authorization logic.
  • Exception Filters: Handle exceptions thrown by controller actions.
  • Result Filters: Modify the result of a controller action.

Dependency Injection

  • Built-in Support: It helps inject dependencies into controllers. This makes the app more modular and testable.
  • Extensibility: Supports integrating third-party dependency injection frameworks.


  • Unit Testing: Promotes the creation of testable code by separating concerns and using interfaces.
  • Mocking: Facilitates the use of mocking frameworks to test controllers and actions.

Asynchronous Programming

  • Async/Await Support: Enables asynchronous programming to improve application responsiveness and scalability.

Bundling and Minification

  • Optimization: It reduces the number of HTTP requests. It also speeds up page load time. This happens by combining and shrinking CSS and JavaScript files.

Security Features

  • Authentication and Authorization: Integrates with ASP.NET Identity for robust authentication and authorization.
  • Anti-Forgery Tokens: Protects against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.


  • Custom Filters and Helpers: You can create custom filters, HTML helpers, and action results. These let you add to the framework’s features.
  • Plug-ins: Supports adding third-party plug-ins and libraries to enhance the application.

RESTful Services

  • Web API Integration: Simplifies the creation of RESTful services and APIs alongside the MVC application.

Strongly Typed Views

  • Type Safety: Ensures compile-time type checking for views, reducing runtime errors.

Localization and Globalization

  • Resource Files: Supports creating multilingual applications using resource files for different languages.
  • Culture Info: Manages cultural differences in data formatting and presentation.

Customizable View Engines

  • Flexibility: Supports using or creating custom view engines beyond Razor.


  • Code Generation: Automatically generates controllers, views, and models based on database schema, speeding up development.

These features make ASP.NET MVC comprehensive and flexible. It is for building modern web apps that are maintainable, scalable, and testable.

5. How to Interview ASP.NET MVC Developers for Hire?

Interviewing MVC developers requires a thorough approach. It assesses their technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and fit with the culture. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you structure the interview process:

5.1 Define Your Requirements

  • Skills and Experience: You need to identify the key technical skills for the role. These include C#, .NET Framework, ASP.NET MVC, SQL, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Project Needs: Consider your project’s specific needs. For example, its front-end vs. back-end focus. Also, its experience with certain databases. And, its familiarity with specific design patterns.
  • Soft Skills: Communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and ability to learn new technologies.

5.2 Prepare the Interview Stages

  1. Resume Screening:
    • Look for relevant experience with ASP.NET MVC projects.
    • Check for any certifications or formal education related to software development.
    • Note any involvement in open-source projects or community contributions.
  2. Technical Screening:
    • Use online coding tests. You can use platforms like HackerRank, Codility, or LeetCode. They assess basic coding skills and problem-solving abilities.
  3. Phone/Video Interview:
    • Initial Assessment: Discuss the candidate’s background, experience, and interest in the role.
    • Technical Questions: Ask basic questions about ASP.NET MVC, C#, and related technologies.
    • Behavioral Questions: Evaluate soft skills and cultural fit.
  4. Technical Interview:
    • In-Depth Technical Questions: Focus on ASP.NET MVC concepts, design patterns, and architecture.
    • Live Coding Test: Conduct a coding exercise to assess practical skills.
    • Code Review: Ask the candidate to review and critique a piece of code.
  5. Final Interview:
    • System Design: Discuss the design of a web application, including architecture, databases, and scaling considerations.
    • Cultural Fit: Meet with team members or stakeholders to assess the candidate’s fit within the organization.
    • Q&A Session: Allow the candidate to ask questions about the role, team, and company.

5.3 Sample Technical Questions

ASP.NET MVC Specific Questions:

  1. MVC Pattern:
    • Explain the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern and how it is implemented in ASP.NET MVC.
    • What are the benefits of using the MVC pattern?
  2. Routing:
    • How does routing work in ASP.NET MVC?
    • Explain the difference between convention-based routing and attribute routing.
  3. Razor View Engine:
    • What is the Razor View Engine, and how does it work?
    • How do you pass data from a controller to a view in ASP.NET MVC?
  4. Model Binding and Validation:
    • How does model binding work in ASP.NET MVC?
    • Explain how to implement validation in ASP.NET MVC.
  5. Filters:
    • What are action filters, and how are they used in ASP.NET MVC?
    • Provide examples of custom filters you have implemented.

General C# and .NET Questions:

  1. C# Basics:
    • What are the differences between value types and reference types in C#?
    • Explain the concept of delegates and events in C#.
  2. .NET Framework:
    • What is the Common Language Runtime (CLR)?
    • Describe the use of the Entity Framework in .NET.
  3. Asynchronous Programming:
    • How do you implement asynchronous programming in C# using async and await?
  4. Design Patterns:
    • Explain some common design patterns used in .NET development. For example, Singleton, Factory, and Repository.

Practical Coding Tasks:

  • Build a Simple CRUD Application:
    • Ask the candidate to create a basic Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) application using ASP.NET MVC.
  • Live Debugging:
    • Provide a piece of buggy code and ask the candidate to identify and fix the issues.
  • Code Review:
    • Give the candidate a sample codebase. Ask for feedback on its design, speed, and ease of maintenance.

4. Behavioral and Situational Questions

  • Team Collaboration:
    • Describe a time when you had to work closely with a team to complete a project. What was your role, and how did you contribute?
  • Problem-Solving:
    • Explain a hard technical problem you faced in a past project. Then, say how you fixed it.
  • Learning and Adaptability:
    • How do you stay updated with the latest trends? How do you keep up with new technologies in software development?
  • Time Management:
    • Describe how you prioritize tasks and manage deadlines in a project.

5. Evaluate and Decide

  • Scorecards: Use scorecards to rate candidates on technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit.
  • Feedback: Collect feedback from all interviewers to make a well-rounded decision.
  • Decision: Compare candidates based on your predefined criteria and choose the best fit for your team.

Follow this structure when interviewing to hire MVC developers. It will ensure you hire the right candidate for your project and organization.


ASP.NET Core is a fast, cross-platform framework. It is for building modern, cloud-based, internet-connected apps. It replaces ASP.NET. It has big improvements over ASP.NET MVC. They are in performance, flexibility, and maintainability. ASP.NET Core is designed to work well with many tools and libraries. This lets developers build apps that can run on Windows, macOS, and Linux.

ASP.NET MVC is a framework for building web applications. It uses the Model-View-Controller design pattern within ASP.NET. Microsoft developed ASP.NET MVC. It focuses on modular and testable web development. ASP.NET MVC is tied to the .NET Framework. ASP.NET Core allows more flexibility. It is optimized for cloud and modern web apps.

Key Differences:

  • Cross-Platform: ASP.NET Core is cross-platform, whereas ASP.NET MVC is limited to Windows.
  • Performance: ASP.NET Core offers better performance and scalability.
  • Dependency Injection: Built-in support in ASP.NET Core, making it easier to manage dependencies.
  • Modular: ASP.NET Core is more modular. It allows for lightweight apps by including only what’s necessary.

7. ASP.NET MVC vs Razor Pages

ASP.NET MVC and Razor Pages are both frameworks in the ASP.NET ecosystem. They are for building web applications, but they follow different paradigms.

ASP.NET MVC uses the Model-View-Controller design pattern, where:

  • Model: Manages application data and business logic.
  • View: Handles the user interface and displays data.
  • Controller: Mediates between the model and view, processing user requests.

Razor Pages is a simpler, page-based model for building web UI, introduced in ASP.NET Core. Razor Pages puts the model and controller logic on a single page. This streamlines development for page-focused scenarios.

Key Differences:

  • Structure: ASP.NET MVC separates concerns into three components (Model, View, Controller), while Razor Pages encapsulates logic within a single page.
  • Complexity: ASP.NET MVC is suited for complex applications requiring separation of concerns, while Razor Pages simplifies development for page-centric applications.
  • Learning Curve: Razor Pages has a gentler learning curve for beginners.

8. ASP.NET MVC vs Blazor

ASP.NET MVC and Blazor serve different purposes within the ASP.NET ecosystem.

ASP.NET MVC is a server-side framework following the Model-View-Controller pattern. It processes requests on the server and returns HTML to the client.

Blazor is a framework for building interactive web UIs on the client-side. It uses C# instead of JavaScript. Blazor can run on the client using WebAssembly. It can also run on the server. It offers a more dynamic user experience.

Key Differences:

  • Execution: ASP.NET MVC is server-side, while Blazor can be client-side or server-side.
  • Language: ASP.NET MVC primarily uses C# for backend logic and HTML/CSS/JavaScript for frontend, whereas Blazor uses C# for both client and server-side code.
  • Interactivity: Blazor provides a more interactive experience similar to single-page applications (SPAs).

9. ASP.NET MVC Life Cycle

You must understand the ASP.NET MVC life cycle. It is crucial for efficient web development. The life cycle consists of several stages:

  1. Routing: URL routing maps incoming requests to controller actions.
  2. Controller Initialization: The controller is instantiated to handle the request.
  3. Action Execution: The controller action method is executed.
  4. Result Generation: The action method returns a result (e.g., a view or JSON).
  5. View Rendering: If the result is a view, the View Engine renders the view.
  6. Response: The final HTML is sent back to the client.

Key Stages:

  • Routing: Maps request URLs to specific actions.
  • Action Execution: Runs the controller action method.
  • View Rendering: Converts view data into HTML.

10. ASP.NET MVC Versions

ASP.NET MVC has evolved through many versions. Each one added new features and improvements.

  • ASP.NET MVC 1.0: Introduced the basic MVC pattern.
  • ASP.NET MVC 2.0: Added areas, templated helpers, and client-side validation.
  • ASP.NET MVC 3.0: Introduced the Razor view engine and dependency injection.
  • ASP.NET MVC 4.0: Brought enhancements like Web API and mobile templates.
  • ASP.NET MVC 5.0: Added attribute routing, authentication filters, and ASP.NET Identity.

Key Features Across Versions:

  • MVC 1.0: Basic MVC architecture.
  • MVC 2.0: Areas and client-side validation.
  • MVC 3.0: Razor view engine.
  • MVC 4.0: Web API integration.
  • MVC 5.0: Attribute routing and ASP.NET Identity.

Each version has strengthened ASP.NET MVC as a robust web development framework.

11. How is ASP.NET MVC different to .NET?

Outlined here are the similarities and differences between ASP.NET MVC and .NET:

Type Framework Web Application Framework
Purpose General-purpose development platform Building web applications
Components FCL (Framework Class Library), CLR (Common Language Runtime) Model, View, Controller
Architecture Monolithic, Modular (with .NET Core and later) Model-View-Controller (MVC)
Platform Support .NET Framework (Windows), .NET Core (Cross-platform), .NET 5/6 and later (Unified) Cross-platform (ASP.NET Core MVC)
Programming Languages C#, F#, VB.NET C# primarily, but can use others supported by .NET
Separation of Concerns General-purpose, not inherently built in Built-in with MVC pattern
Customization and Control Varies based on application type High control over HTML, JavaScript, and CSS
Use Case Desktop, web, mobile, cloud applications Web applications
Performance High performance, especially with .NET Core and later Optimized for web application performance
Development Various models including Web Forms, MVC, Blazor, etc. Specifically follows the MVC pattern
Evolution .NET Framework ? .NET Core ? .NET 5/6+ ASP.NET MVC ? ASP.NET Core MVC
Testing General testing tools and frameworks Enhanced testability due to MVC separation


  • Platform: Both are part of the Microsoft ecosystem and share the underlying .NET infrastructure.
  • Languages: Both support the same programming languages (e.g., C#).
  • Cross-Platform Support: With .NET Core and later versions, both can be used for cross-platform development.
  • High Performance: Both leverage the high performance capabilities of the .NET platform.


  • Purpose: .NET is a general-purpose development platform, while ASP.NET MVC is specifically designed for building web applications.
  • Components: .NET encompasses a wide range of libraries and tools, whereas ASP.NET MVC focuses on the MVC design pattern.
  • Architecture: .NET can follow various architectural patterns, while ASP.NET MVC strictly adheres to the MVC pattern.
  • Customization and Control: ASP.NET MVC offers more granular control over web technologies compared to the broader .NET platform.
  • Use Case: .NET is used for a wide range of applications, while ASP.NET MVC is tailored for web applications.
  • Testing: The separation of concerns in ASP.NET MVC enhances its testability compared to general .NET applications.


Dart is a modern programming language developed by Google. It’s designed for building web, server, and mobile applications with a focus on speed, simplicity, and developer productivity. Dart is commonly used with the Flutter framework to create cross-platform mobile apps and web applications.

Hiring an MVC developer ensures your web applications are built using a robust and scalable architecture. MVC (Model-View-Controller) developers create modular, maintainable, and testable code, which enhances application performance and user experience.

You can hire MVC developers by:

  • Posting job listings on job boards and tech forums.
  • Utilizing tech talent platforms like CloudDevs.
  • Reaching out to staffing agencies.
  • Networking within tech communities.

Top remote MVC developers can be hired through:

  • Tech talent platforms like CloudDevs.
  • Freelance websites such as Upwork and Freelancer.
  • Developer communities like GitHub and Stack Overflow.
  • Remote job boards like We Work Remotely and Remote OK.

An effective MVC developer job description should include:

  • Job Title: Clearly state the position.
  • Responsibilities: Outline key tasks and duties.
  • Required Skills: List essential technical skills and experience.
  • Preferred Qualifications: Mention any additional preferred skills.
  • Company Overview: Briefly describe your company and its mission.
  • Application Process: Provide clear instructions on how to apply.

Look for skills such as:

  • Proficiency in C# and ASP.NET MVC.
  • Strong understanding of the MVC architecture.
  • Experience with front-end technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).
  • Knowledge of SQL and database management.
  • Familiarity with version control systems like Git.
  • Problem-solving and analytical skills.

Hiring MVC developers through CloudDevs offers:

  • Access to a vetted pool of skilled developers.
  • Flexibility in hiring part-time or full-time developers.
  • Competitive pricing at $40 to $70 per hour for vetted senior developers.
  • A streamlined hiring process, saving you time and effort.

With CloudDevs, you can hire MVC developers within 24 to 48 hours, thanks to their efficient matching process and pre-vetted talent pool.

You can hire vetted senior MVC developers through CloudDevs at competitive rates, typically ranging from $40 to $70 per hour, depending on experience and project requirements. For specific pricing, visit CloudDevs’ pricing page or contact their support team.

Empower Your Vision with Local Time Zone MVC Developers!

Ready to hire MVC developers? Let CloudDevs connect you with top talent and start your project within 24 hours!