Python Q & A


How to send emails through Python?

Sending emails through Python can be achieved using the `smtplib` and `email` modules available in the standard library. Here’s a succinct explanation:


  1. `smtplib` Module:

This module defines an `SMTP` class that you can use to connect to an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) mail server and send emails.


  1. `email` Module:

This helps to construct the email body, including multipart emails with attachments or HTML content.

To send an email using Python:

  1. Connect to the Server:

   Initialize a connection to the SMTP server using `smtplib.SMTP(server_address, port)`. If using a provider like Gmail, you’d use `` and port `587`.


  1. Login (If Required):

   Some SMTP servers require authentication. You can log in using the `login` method provided by the `SMTP` class.


  1. Create the Email:

   Use the `email` module to craft your message. You can set the “from”, “to”, subject, and body of the email.


  1. Send the Email:

   Utilize the `sendmail` method of the `SMTP` class to dispatch the email.


  1. Close the Connection:

   Terminate the connection using the `quit` method.



import smtplib

from email.message import EmailMessage

msg = EmailMessage()

msg.set_content('Hello, this is a test email from Python!')

msg['Subject'] = 'Test Email'

msg['From'] = ''

msg['To'] = ''

with smtplib.SMTP('', 587) as server:

    server.starttls()  # Secure the connection

    server.login('', 'password')




A couple of things to note:

– If you’re using a provider like Gmail, you’ll need to allow “less secure apps” in your settings to send emails through scripts.

– Always be careful with your credentials. Avoid hardcoding them directly into your scripts; instead, consider using environment variables or secure vaults.

In real-world applications, there are libraries like `yagmail` that make the process even simpler, but the aforementioned method is native to Python’s standard library.

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