Python Q & A


How to use websockets in Python?

WebSockets provide a persistent, low-latency bidirectional communication channel over a single TCP connection. They’re commonly used in applications that require real-time updates, such as chat applications or live sports updates.


  1. Using the `websocket` library:

For simple WebSocket clients, the `websocket` library is suitable. Install it with `pip install websocket-client`.

Example of a simple WebSocket client:


import websocket

def on_message(ws, message):

    print(f"Received: {message}")

ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("ws://", on_message=on_message)




  1. Using `websockets` with `asyncio`:

For a more asynchronous approach, the `websockets` library, combined with Python’s native `asyncio`, is preferred. Install it with `pip install websockets`.

Example of an asynchronous WebSocket server:


import asyncio

import websockets

async def handler(websocket, path):

    message = await websocket.recv()

    print(f"Received: {message}")

    await websocket.send(f"Echo: {message}")

start_server = websockets.serve(handler, "localhost", 8765)





  1. Integrating with Web Frameworks:

Popular Python web frameworks like Django (via Django Channels) and Flask (via Flask-SocketIO) offer WebSocket support, making it convenient to incorporate real-time features into web applications.

WebSockets are crucial for real-time communication in modern web applications. Python, with its diverse libraries and frameworks, offers robust tools for both WebSocket clients and servers. Whether you’re aiming for a simple real-time notification system or a fully-fledged chat application, Python has got you covered with its versatile WebSocket support. Ensure to choose the library or framework that best suits the needs and scale of your project.

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