ReactJS Q & A


What are lifecycle methods in React?

React’s lifecycle methods provide developers with hooks to execute specific actions at various stages of a component’s life in the application. These methods allow for precise control over the behavior and rendering of class-based components as they are mounted, updated, and eventually unmounted from the DOM.

The lifecycle of a React component can be broadly categorized into three phases: Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting.

  1. Mounting: This phase encompasses the moment when a component is being created and inserted into the DOM. Key methods here include `constructor()`, where you can set the initial state and bind event handlers; `static getDerivedStateFromProps()`, which lets you derive state from props; `render()`, responsible for returning the React elements you want to render; and `componentDidMount()`, invoked immediately after a component is added to the DOM, often used for network requests or setting up subscriptions.


  1. Updating: After mounting, components can be re-rendered due to changes in their state or props. The updating phase covers this re-render cycle. Methods in this phase include `static getDerivedStateFromProps()`, used for updating state based on prop changes; `shouldComponentUpdate()`, which can be used to optimize performance by preventing unnecessary re-renders; `render()`, which re-renders the component; and `componentDidUpdate()`, called post-render and can be used for side-effects based on the previous and current state/props.


  1. Unmounting: This is the final phase where the component’s lifecycle comes to an end, and it gets removed from the DOM. The primary method here is `componentWillUnmount()`, invoked right before a component is destroyed, and is the ideal place for cleanup actions, like invalidating timers or cancelling network requests.

It’s worth noting that React’s evolution has led to some lifecycle methods being deprecated in favor of newer, more reliable methods. Additionally, the advent of Hooks in functional components introduced an alternative to lifecycle methods, offering a more consolidated way to manage side-effects and state through methods like `useEffect`.

React’s lifecycle methods offer a structured way to interact with components at various stages of their existence, ensuring efficient rendering and behavior control.

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Seasoned Software Engineer specializing in React.js development. Over 5 years of experience crafting dynamic web solutions and collaborating with cross-functional teams.