Applications with Rails


Building Real-Time Applications with Rails

Building real-time applications has become increasingly popular in recent years, and Rails has several tools and frameworks that make it easy to add real-time functionality to your application.

In this blog post, we’ll explore the basics of building real-time applications with Rails and discuss some popular tools and frameworks that can help you get started.

1. Real-Time Applications

Real-time applications are those that require immediate updates to be sent to the user as soon as new data becomes available. Examples of real-time applications include chat applications, online gaming, stock trading platforms, and other applications that require immediate updates to be displayed to the user.

In traditional web applications, the user must refresh the page or make a new request to see updated data. However, with real-time applications, updates are sent to the user automatically, providing a more seamless and responsive user experience.

2. Real-Time Functionality in Rails

Rails has several built-in features that make it easy to add real-time functionality to your application. The Action Cable framework, introduced in Rails 5, provides a simple way to add real-time features to your Rails application.

Action Cable is built on top of WebSockets, which are a protocol for real-time communication between the client and server. Action Cable provides a server-side framework for managing WebSockets connections and sending real-time updates to clients.

To get started with Action Cable, you’ll need to add the actioncable gem to your Gemfile and run bundle install. You’ll also need to generate a channel, which is a server-side Ruby class that manages the WebSocket connection and sends updates to clients.

Here’s an example of a basic Action Cable channel:

class ChatChannel < ApplicationCable::Channel
  def subscribed
    stream_from "chat_channel"

  def receive(data)
    ActionCable.server.broadcast "chat_channel", message: data['message']

In this example, we’re defining a ChatChannel class that inherits from ApplicationCable::Channel, which is a base class provided by Action Cable. The subscribed method is called when a client subscribes to the channel, and we’re using the stream_from method to stream updates to the chat_channel.

The receive method is called when the server receives a message from a client, and we’re using the ActionCable.server.broadcast method to send the message to all clients subscribed to the chat_channel.

Once you’ve defined your channel, you’ll need to update your JavaScript code to subscribe to the channel and receive updates. Here’s an example of how to subscribe to the chat_channel:

const chatChannel = consumer.subscriptions.create("ChatChannel", {
  connected() {
    console.log("Connected to chat channel");

  disconnected() {
    console.log("Disconnected from chat channel");

  received(data) {

In this example, we’re using the consumer.subscriptions.create method to create a subscription to the ChatChannel. The connected and disconnected methods are called when the client connects and disconnects from the channel, and the received method is called when the client receives an update from the server.

3. Other Real-Time Frameworks

In addition to Action Cable, there are several other popular real-time frameworks that can be used with Rails. These include:

  • Pusher: Pusher is a hosted real-time messaging service that provides APIs and libraries for adding real-time functionality to your application. It’s easy to integrate with Rails and provides several useful features, including presence channels and encrypted channels.
  • Firebase: Firebase is a real-time database and backend as a service (BaaS) platform that provides a simple way to add real-time functionality toyour application. It provides a real-time database, cloud storage, authentication, and other useful features that make it easy to build real-time applications.
  • is a popular Node.js library for real-time web applications. It provides a simple API for creating WebSocket connections and sending real-time updates to clients. While it’s not built specifically for Rails, it can be used with Rails using the gem.

4. Refactoring for Real-Time

When building real-time applications, it’s important to consider the performance and scalability of your application. Real-time applications can generate a lot of traffic and put a strain on your server, so it’s important to optimize your code and database queries to ensure your application can handle the load.

Here are some tips for refactoring your Rails application for real-time functionality:

  1. Use partials and caching to reduce page load times: Real-time applications require fast response times, so it’s important to reduce page load times as much as possible. One way to do this is by using partials and caching to render only the necessary parts of a page and avoid unnecessary database queries.
  2. Optimize database queries: Real-time applications often require frequent database queries to keep data up-to-date. It’s important to optimize your database queries to ensure they’re as efficient as possible. Consider using database indexes, eager loading, and other techniques to reduce the number of queries and improve performance.
  3. Use background jobs to offload heavy processing: Real-time applications can generate a lot of traffic and put a strain on your server. To ensure your server can handle the load, consider using background jobs to offload heavy processing tasks, such as sending emails or generating reports.
  4. Monitor and optimize server performance: Real-time applications require fast response times, so it’s important to monitor and optimize your server performance. Consider using tools like New Relic or Scout to monitor your server performance and identify bottlenecks in your code.

5. Conclusion

Building real-time applications with Rails is becoming increasingly popular, and Rails has several tools and frameworks that make it easy to add real-time functionality to your application. Whether you choose to use Action Cable, Pusher, Firebase,, or another real-time framework, it’s important to consider the performance and scalability of your application and optimize your code and database queries accordingly.

By following these tips for refactoring your Rails application for real-time functionality, you can build a fast, responsive, and scalable real-time application that provides a seamless user experience.

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