Ruby on Rails Q & A


How to paginate data in Rails?

Pagination is a crucial feature for web applications dealing with a significant amount of data, as it helps in splitting a large dataset into smaller, manageable chunks, thereby providing a better user experience. In Rails, pagination can be implemented seamlessly using the `will_paginate` or `kaminari` gems, among others. Here’s a quick guide on using the `will_paginate` gem:


  1. Gem Installation:

Start by adding the gem to your Gemfile:



gem 'will_paginate', '~> 3.3'



Run `bundle install` to install the gem.


  1. Paginating Records:

In your controller, you can use the `paginate` method provided by `will_paginate` to fetch a paginated collection. For instance, if you’re paginating articles:



@articles = Article.order(created_at: :desc).paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: 10)



This fetches 10 articles per page, with the current page being determined by `params[:page]`.


  1. Rendering Pagination Links in the View:

In your view, to render the pagination links, simply use:



<%= will_paginate @articles %>



  1. Customizing Styles:

The `will_paginate` gem is very flexible and allows for customization. You can style the pagination links using CSS. If you’re using Bootstrap, there’s a complementary gem `will_paginate-bootstrap` that integrates the Bootstrap pagination component with `will_paginate`.


  1. Additional Features:

The `will_paginate` gem provides various additional functionalities like customizing the pagination links’ label, displaying page information, and more. It’s recommended to refer to the gem’s documentation for a deeper dive.


While Rails does not have built-in pagination, gems like `will_paginate` make the task straightforward and efficient. Pagination not only enhances user experience but also optimizes server performance by preventing the loading of large datasets at once. Always consider implementing it for data-intensive views to maintain a responsive and user-friendly application.

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Senior Software Engineer with a focus on remote work. Proficient in Ruby on Rails. Expertise spans y6ears in Ruby on Rails development, contributing to B2C financial solutions and data engineering.