Ruby Functions


Ruby Gems: Unleashing the Potential of External Libraries

There is an age-old adage in the programming world: “Don’t reinvent the wheel.” In the domain of Ruby programming, the concept actualizes through the utilization of Ruby Gems. These powerful packages are often the key reasons to hire Ruby developers. Offering predefined solutions to myriad programming problems, Ruby Gems are nuggets of prepackaged code, commonly referred to as ‘libraries’. These are the hidden superpowers that can help Ruby developers design and deploy elegant, efficient, and effective programs, making the choice to hire Ruby developers a sound strategic move.

Ruby Gems: Unleashing the Potential of External Libraries

What Are Ruby Gems?

Ruby Gems are the standard packaging system for Ruby libraries and applications, much like NPM packages for Node.js, or PIP packages for Python. They’re designed to help developers create functional applications by reusing code that has been packaged into “Gems” by other developers.

Ruby Gems can be installed, updated, and managed with a command-line tool also named “gem”. This tool comes packaged with Ruby, so if you’ve installed Ruby on your system, you should also have the `gem` command available.

The primary purpose of Ruby Gems is to allow you to add functionality to your applications without writing everything from scratch. By using Gems, you can avoid rewriting common, complex functions, and instead focus on the unique aspects of your application.

Examples of Ruby Gems

To give you a sense of what Ruby Gems can do, here are a few examples of commonly used ones:

  1. Devise: This Gem is a flexible authentication solution for Rails-based applications. It takes care of all aspects of user management, such as sign up, login, password reset, etc. This means you don’t need to code these functionalities manually.
# Include Devise in your Gemfile
gem 'devise'

# Run bundle install to install the gem
bundle install

# Generate the Devise configuration
rails generate devise:install
  1. Nokogiri: Nokogiri is a popular Gem used for parsing HTML and XML in Ruby. It allows you to search, traverse, and manipulate these documents easily.
# Install Nokogiri
gem install nokogiri

# Use Nokogiri in your program
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'

doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(""))

doc.css('h1').each do |heading|
  puts heading.content

3. RSpec: This Gem is a testing tool for Ruby, based on the principles of Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). It makes writing tests clean, easy and expressive.

# Include RSpec in your Gemfile
gem 'rspec'

Install the gem with bundle install
bundle install

# Initialize RSpec in your project
rspec --init

Each Ruby Gem typically serves a unique purpose and vastly simplifies the process of developing complex applications. By reusing code in this way, you can make your application more robust and efficient, while saving significant development time.

The Power of External Libraries

External libraries represent the collective intelligence and efforts of the global developer community. They encapsulate widely used functionality into easy-to-integrate code, which allows individual developers or teams to leverage the expertise of others and focus on building unique aspects of their applications.

A Gem may contain anything from a few lines of code to thousands, each focused on solving particular problems or adding specific capabilities. They are thoroughly tested and often maintained by a community of dedicated developers, ensuring reliability and up-to-date compatibility with new programming trends and techniques.

Unleashing the Potential

To leverage the potential of Ruby Gems, a developer needs to understand how to choose, install, use, and manage them. This complex process underscores the advantage to hire Ruby developers, as they already have this expertise. It’s crucial to select the right Gem that aligns with the needs of your project – one that is well-documented, regularly updated, and widely used in the community. The knowledge to make these nuanced choices often comes with experienced Ruby developers, highlighting another reason to hire Ruby developers for your project needs.

Installation: Installing a Ruby Gem is usually as simple as running a single command in the terminal. For instance, to install the popular HTTP request library Faraday, the command would be:

gem install faraday

After this, the library can be included in any Ruby program with the `require` statement.

Usage: Using a Gem in your program typically involves calling methods provided by the library. For instance, with the Faraday Gem installed, making a GET request becomes as simple as:

require 'faraday'

response = Faraday.get ''

Management: When it comes to managing Gems, Ruby developers have Bundler at their disposal. Bundler is a tool that tracks and installs the exact Gems and versions that are needed for your Ruby application. It is a best practice to specify your project’s dependencies in a Gemfile, a file that lists all the Gems your application relies on.

Top Gems to Start With

For newbies in the Ruby world or seasoned programmers looking to boost their efficiency, here are a few highly useful Gems:

Devise: It offers a flexible authentication solution for Rails-based applications. It handles all the nitty-gritty details involved in managing users, including registration, log in, and password resetting.

RSpec: A behavior-driven development (BDD) framework for Ruby, RSpec facilitates writing clean, expressive, and readable tests.

Active Admin: This Gem allows developers to create elegant back-end interfaces with little effort. It integrates seamlessly with business applications, providing a straightforward dashboard to manage data.

Paperclip: This library simplifies file attachments in applications. It automatically handles tasks like file storage, file validation, and image processing.

Pry: A powerful alternative to the standard IRB shell, Pry offers advanced features like syntax highlighting, debugging, and flexible command system


As you delve deeper into the world of Ruby programming, you’ll come to appreciate the true value of Ruby Gems. They are the workhorses of the Ruby ecosystem, encapsulating and abstracting complex functionalities to make your life as a developer significantly easier.

Ruby Gems can be your secret weapon to scale quickly, iterate faster, and write cleaner, DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) code. They provide a foundation for you to stand on the shoulders of coding giants who have already solved common problems, allowing you to focus on what makes your application unique.

So go ahead, explore the rich ecosystem of Ruby Gems, and allow these powerful libraries to accelerate your development journey. Alternatively, you can choose to hire Ruby developers who are already proficient with these libraries. Remember, every moment spent by these developers in understanding and integrating Gems translates into time saved from resolving bugs and reinventing the wheel. Whether you dive into the Gems yourself or hire Ruby developers, it’s time to unleash the full potential of Ruby Gems and elevate your code to new heights.

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Experienced software professional with a strong focus on Ruby. Over 10 years in software development, including B2B SaaS platforms and geolocation-based apps.