Svelte Developer Rates


How Much Do Svelte Developers Really Earn Per Hour?

The average hourly rate for a Svelte Developer in the United States stands at $50.40. Notably, a significant portion of Svelte Developers earn between $38.22 and $61.06, representing the 25th to 75th percentiles respectively, indicating a varied pay range across the country.

This guide provides insight into the hourly rates for Svelte developers. With Svelte emerging as a popular framework for web development, understanding its market rate is important for both developers and employers. We’ll explore the factors that influence these rates, such as experience and location.  It is important to be aware of the current rates for the skill before you start to hire Svelte Developers for your project. This guide aims to help Svelte developers in setting their freelance rates and assist businesses in budgeting for their web development projects.

Svelte Developer Average Hourly Earnings Revealed

The average hourly rates for Svelte developers, across different experience levels, are generally higher on Glassdoor compared to ZipRecruiter. The differences between the two platforms are consistent, with Glassdoor’s reported rates being slightly higher than those of ZipRecruiter across junior, mid-level, and senior developer positions. This suggests that Glassdoor might be presenting a marginally higher compensation expectation for Svelte developers in comparison to ZipRecruiter.

svelte dev hourly rates ziprecruiter

Xamarin Developer Hourly Rates in Different Regions

RegionAverage Hourly Rate (USD)
North America$35 - $65
South America$15 - $30
Western Europe$30 - $60
Eastern Europe$20 - $40
Australia$25 - $50
Asia$10 - $30
Africa$10 - $25

North American and Western European locations generally command the highest hourly rates for Svelte developers, likely reflecting the overall higher cost of living and strong tech industries in these regions. Australia’s rates are also relatively high, aligning more closely with Western Europe.

 Eastern Europe and South America exhibit similar, more moderate pay ranges, likely due to the growing but less mature tech industries in these areas. Asia and Africa tend to have lower hourly rates for Svelte developers, which may be reflective of lower living costs and different economic conditions in many countries within these continents. These rates can vary widely within each region and are subject to change based on various factors.

The salary data from ZipRecruiter highlights a significant geographical variation in the earnings of Svelte developers across the United States. Notably, Richmond leads the pack with the highest salaries for Svelte developers, closely followed by Bellevue, Bolinas, Federal Way, Stamford, San Francisco, Santa Clara, Pasadena, Portland, and Glendale rounding out the top ten. 

These cities offer average hourly rates that exceed the national average. This geographic disparity in salaries presents considerable opportunities for economic advancement within the field of Svelte development.

svelte dev hourly rates by city ziprecruiter

Svelte Developer Hourly Rates Against Other Web Frameworks

Web FrameworkAverage Hourly Rate
Ruby on Rails$50 - $100
Gatsby$40 - $90
ASP.NET$50 - $100
Flask$40 - $90
Spring$50 - $100
Angular$40 - $100
jQuery$35 - $85
Django$40 - $90
Laravel$40 - $90

Developers skilled in Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET, and Spring generally command some of the highest hourly rates among the listed web frameworks, likely reflecting the demand for these established and widely used technologies in enterprise settings. Angular also exhibits a wide and potentially high pay range, indicative of its strong presence in the industry as a leading front-end framework. 

Svelte, Gatsby, Flask, Django, and Laravel developers tend to have similar, more moderate pay ranges, perhaps reflecting their appeal in both startup and more established company environments. jQuery, being a long-established library that has seen decreasing demand in favor of more modern frameworks, shows a slightly lower estimated pay range compared to the more recent frameworks. These rates are subject to fluctuation based on various factors including regional differences and changing industry trends.


Our guide has given a comprehensive overview of the hourly rates for Svelte developers, highlighting the influence of experience and geographic location on these rates. This information is invaluable for Svelte developers when determining their freelance pricing and for businesses planning their budgets for Svelte-based projects. 

With this guide, you can make well-informed decisions in the evolving field of Svelte development, ensuring fair and competitive compensation. You can check out our Svelte Developer Salary Guide to learn about the annual salary rates you can earn in the US and across the world. We bring you a complete Svelte Developer Hiring Guide, along with the Svelte Developer Job Description and Svelte Interview Questions guide. which will help you in the process of hiring a Svelte developer in 2023.

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