C# Q & A


How to use properties in C#?

Properties in C# are a way to encapsulate the state of an object and provide controlled access to its internal data. They allow you to expose fields (variables) of a class while enforcing rules and logic to read and write that data. Properties have a get accessor (used for reading) and optionally a set accessor (used for writing) and are defined using the `get` and `set` keywords. Here’s how you can use properties in C#:


  1. Define a Property:

   To define a property, declare it within a class using the `get` and `set` accessors. The `get` accessor defines how to retrieve the property’s value, and the `set` accessor defines how to assign a new value to the property.


  1. Use Auto-Implemented Properties:

   C# provides a convenient way to create properties known as auto-implemented properties. With auto-implemented properties, the compiler automatically generates the backing field for you. Here’s an example:



   public int Age { get; set; }



   In this example, `Age` is an auto-implemented property with a default getter and setter.


  1. Custom Logic in Properties:

   You can also add custom logic within property accessors. For instance, you can perform validation checks, compute values on-the-fly, or log changes. Here’s an example with custom logic:



   private string _name;

   public string Name


       get { return _name; }



           if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))


               _name = value;






   In this case, the `Name` property ensures that the value being set is not null or empty before assigning it to the `_name` field.


  1. Access Properties:

   To access properties of an object, you use the dot notation. For example:



   Person person = new Person();

   person.Name = "John";

   int age = person.Age;



   In this code, we set the `Name` property and retrieve the `Age` property of the `Person` object.


Properties provide a structured and controlled way to interact with an object’s data. They allow you to hide the internal implementation details of a class while enforcing rules and logic, promoting data encapsulation and maintainability in your C# code.

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Experienced Backend Developer with 6 years of experience in C#. Proficient in C#, .NET, and Java.Proficient in REST web services and web app development.