Developer hourly rates


Unveiling Software Developer Hourly Rates in Peru

The software development industry in Peru has been steadily growing, becoming an increasingly significant player in the global tech market. As companies worldwide continue to seek skilled software developers at competitive rates, Peru has emerged as a viable destination. This blog post explores the current landscape of software developer hourly rates in Peru, examining factors that influence these rates and comparing them to global standards.


1. An Insight into Average Hourly Rates of Software Developers in Peru


According to in Peru, a Software Developer’s average annual salary is approximately 96,220 PEN. Converting these figures to hourly rates, we find the following:

  • Average Salary: 46.26 PEN per hour
  • Lowest Average Salary (for 25% of the population earning less): 21.06 PEN per hour
  • Highest Average Salary (for 25% of the population earning more): 72.12 PEN per hour
  • Salary Below Which 25% of the Population Earns: 32.12 PEN per hour
  • Salary Above Which 75% of the Population Earns: 62.02 PEN per hour

This data reveals a significant range in earnings among Software Developers in Peru, reflecting various factors such as experience, skills, and the specific industry sector. The majority of the developer population (75%) earns less than 62.02 PEN per hour, while the top 25% earns above this rate, indicating a higher level of experience or specialization. The lowest earners in the field make around 21.06 PEN per hour, which could be indicative of entry-level positions or those with limited experience.


2. Breaking Down Software Developer Hourly Rates by Experience Levels


Years of ExperienceAverage Hourly Rate (PEN)
0-224.95 PEN
2-537.21 PEN
5-1046.86 PEN
10-1559.33 PEN
15-2061.78 PEN
20+68.85 PEN


According to the hourly rates for software developers in Peru show a significant increase with experience, starting at 24.95 PEN for junior developers and reaching 68.85 PEN for those with over 20 years of experience. These rates reflect the value placed on experience and skill in Peru’s growing software development industry, with substantial rate increases observed particularly in the early to mid-career stages. Compared to other regions, Peruvian rates are competitive within Latin America and offer a cost-effective solution for international clients, being lower than North America and Western Europe but higher than some Asian countries. This cost-quality balance positions Peru as an attractive location for both local and international companies seeking skilled software development services.


3. City-Based Variations in Software Developer Hourly Rates Across Peru


CityAverage Hourly rate (PEN)
Arequipa41.73 PEN
Chiclayo39.87 PEN
Cusco38.22 PEN
Huancayo40.76 PEN
Iquitos38.71 PEN
Trujillo42.45 PEN


According to the hourly rates for software developers vary across different cities in Peru, with Trujillo offering the highest average rate at 42.45 PEN per hour and Cusco the lowest at 38.22 PEN per hour. Arequipa, Trujillo, and Huancayo stand out with rates exceeding 40 PEN per hour, indicating a potentially higher demand or cost of living in these cities. Meanwhile, rates in Cusco, Iquitos, and Chiclayo are relatively lower, hovering around the 38-40 PEN range. These variations might reflect regional differences in the cost of living, local demand for software development skills, and the availability of tech talent in each city. Despite these differences, the rates across these cities are fairly close, suggesting a relatively consistent market rate for software development services within Peru. ??


4. Software Developer Hourly Rates Across Latin America


CountryAverage Hourly rate(USD)


According to Glassdoor, the hourly rates for software developers show notable variation across different Latin American countries. Colombia leads with the highest average rate at $28.84 per hour, followed closely by Brazil at $25.00 per hour, and Argentina at $24.92 per hour. Mexico’s rate is slightly lower at $24.02 per hour. Chile stands out with the lowest rate at $18.03 per hour, which is significantly lower than the other countries listed.


These differences in hourly rates could be influenced by various factors such as the cost of living, economic conditions, and the demand for tech skills in each country. While Colombia, Brazil, and Argentina offer higher rates, possibly reflecting a stronger demand for skilled developers, Chile’s notably lower rate might indicate different market dynamics. Overall, these rates offer insight into the diverse software development market across Latin America, each with its unique economic and tech industry characteristics.


5. Hourly Rates for Software Developers Across Various Technologies


TechnologyAverage Hourly Rate for USA Developers (USD)Average Hourly Rate for Peru Developers (USD)


Hourly Rates for Software Developers Across Various Technologies


According to Glassdoor, the hourly rates for software developers vary significantly based on their specialization and geographical location. In the USA, developers specializing in Ruby command the highest rates at $90.14 per hour, followed closely by Python developers. PHP developers have the lowest hourly rate in the USA at $67.31.


In Peru, the trend is somewhat similar with Ruby developers earning the highest at $43.99 per hour and PHP developers the lowest at $33.65 per hour. However, the rates in Peru are substantially lower compared to the USA across all specializations, reflecting the global market’s demand and the economic differences between the two countries. This disparity underscores the cost-effectiveness of outsourcing to countries like Peru for specific technology expertise, while also highlighting the premium placed on advanced technical skills in the USA.


5. Key Factors Driving Software Developer Hourly Rates in Peru


Here are key factors driving the hourly rates of software developers in Peru:


  1. Experience and Expertise: The level of experience and expertise is a primary determinant. More experienced developers, especially those with specialized skills or expertise in in-demand technologies, command higher rates.


  1. Educational Background: Developers with higher educational qualifications or certifications in specific technologies or methodologies often have higher hourly rates.


  1. Technology Stack: Different technology stacks have varying market demands. Developers skilled in more popular or niche technologies can charge more.


  1. Industry Demand: The demand for developers in specific sectors, such as finance, healthcare, or e-commerce, can influence hourly rates. Sectors with higher demand for tech talent typically offer better pay.


  1. Type of Employment: Freelancers or contract workers may have different rate structures compared to full-time employees. Freelancers often charge higher rates to compensate for the lack of benefits and job security.


  1. Company Size and Type: Larger companies or multinational corporations might offer higher rates compared to startups or local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


  1. Geographical Location: While this specifically pertains to Peru, within the country, location matters. Urban areas with a higher cost of living, like Lima, may have higher rates than rural areas.


  1. Language Skills: Developers who are proficient in English or other foreign languages, in addition to their technical skills, might command higher rates, especially if they work with international clients.


  1. Economic Factors: The overall economic environment, including inflation rates and cost of living in Peru, can impact hourly rates.


  1. Global Market Trends: As Peru becomes more integrated into the global tech market, international trends and demands can influence the local market, impacting hourly rates.


  1. Quality of Portfolio and Previous Work: Developers with a strong portfolio showcasing successful projects and client testimonials may leverage this for higher rates.


  1. Networking and Reputation: Developers with a strong professional network and good reputation in the industry can often negotiate higher rates based on their proven track record. 


These factors collectively contribute to the determination of 2023 hourly rates for software developers in Peru, reflecting both local market conditions and broader global trends in the tech industry.


6. Benefits of Hiring Software Developers in Peru


In the rapidly evolving world of technology, businesses are continually seeking skilled software developers to drive innovation and growth. Peru has emerged as a promising hub for tech talent, offering a range of benefits for companies considering hiring software developers from this region. Here’s a closer look at the advantages:


  1. Cost-Effectiveness

One of the most compelling reasons to hire Peruvian software developers is cost-effectiveness. Compared to their counterparts in North America and Europe, Peruvian developers often offer competitive rates without compromising on the quality of work. This affordability can be particularly advantageous for startups and small businesses operating on tight budgets.


  1. Skilled Talent Pool

Peru boasts a growing pool of tech talent, with many developers having strong educational backgrounds and expertise in various programming languages and technologies. This diverse talent pool ensures that businesses can find professionals with the specific skill sets they require.


  1. Favorable Time Zone

Peru’s time zone is closely aligned with North American time zones, facilitating real-time collaboration and communication. This is especially beneficial for companies based in the US or Canada, as it ensures more efficient project coordination and quicker response times.


  1. Cultural Affinity

Peruvian developers often share a cultural affinity with Western businesses, particularly those in the Americas. This similarity in business culture and work ethics can lead to smoother collaboration and a better understanding of project goals and requirements.


  1. Language Proficiency

Many software developers in Peru are proficient in English, reducing language barriers and ensuring clear communication. This is crucial for the successful execution of software projects where clear and precise communication is key.


  1. Growing Tech Ecosystem

Peru’s tech sector is on the rise, with the government and private sector investing in technology education and infrastructure. This growing ecosystem is continuously nurturing and producing quality developers, making Peru a reliable source of tech talent.


  1. Flexibility and Adaptability

Peruvian developers are known for their flexibility and adaptability, skills that are essential in the ever-changing landscape of software development. They are often quick to adopt new technologies and methodologies, ensuring that projects remain cutting-edge.


  1. Strong Work Ethic

Developers in Peru are often praised for their strong work ethic and commitment to delivering quality work. This dedication can be a significant asset for companies seeking dependable and results-oriented professionals.


7. Frequently Asked Questions


  1. What is the average hourly rate for a software developer in Peru?

   – Answer: The average hourly rate varies, but it typically ranges from about 21 PEN for entry-level developers to over 72 PEN for highly experienced developers.


  1. How do software developer rates in Peru compare to other countries?

   – Answer: Generally, rates in Peru are competitive within Latin America and lower than those in North America and Western Europe, but higher than in some Asian countries.


  1. Do software developer rates in Peru vary by city?

   – Answer: Yes, rates can vary based on the city, with urban areas like Lima potentially having higher rates due to a higher cost of living.


  1. Are freelance software developers in Peru more expensive than full-time employees?

   – Answer: Often, freelancers may charge higher hourly rates to compensate for the lack of benefits and job security compared to full-time employees.


  1. What factors influence a software developer’s hourly rate in Peru?

   – Answer: Key factors include experience, technological expertise, industry demand, educational background, language skills, and economic conditions.


  1. Is it more cost-effective to hire junior or senior developers in Peru?

   – Answer: Junior developers are more cost-effective in terms of hourly rates, but senior developers bring more expertise and efficiency, which can be more valuable in complex projects.


  1. How does the cost of living affect software developer rates in Peru?

   – Answer: A higher cost of living in certain areas can lead to higher hourly rates as developers seek to cover their living expenses.


  1. Are software developers in Peru open to negotiation on hourly rates?

   – Answer: Like in many places, rates can sometimes be negotiable, depending on the project’s scope, duration, and the developer’s availability and interest.


  1. Do software developers in Peru charge differently based on the project’s technology stack?

   – Answer: Yes, developers with expertise in in-demand or niche technologies might charge higher rates due to the specialized knowledge required.


  1. Can international clients expect lower rates when hiring developers from Peru?

    – Answer: Yes, international clients often find rates in Peru to be lower than in their home countries, offering a cost-effective solution for software development needs.




Understanding the hourly rates of software developers in Peru is crucial for businesses and individuals looking to leverage the burgeoning tech talent in the region. The rates are competitively priced within Latin America and offer a cost-effective alternative compared to North American and European markets. Factors such as experience, skillset, city of residence, and project specifics play a significant role in determining these rates. With its growing tech ecosystem, Peru presents an attractive option for hiring skilled developers, whether for startups or large enterprises. The insights provided in the FAQs above should serve as a helpful guide for anyone considering hiring software developers from Peru, balancing cost-effectiveness with quality and expertise. 

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