Misconceptions About Nearshoring LATAMS


Demystifying Myths: Common Misconceptions about Nearshoring Development Teams in Latin America

As more companies explore the benefits of Nearshoring their software development to Latin America, it is important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to common misconceptions about this approach. 

In this blog post, we will explore some of the most prevalent myths about Nearshoring development teams in Latin America and debunk them with facts, statistics, and tables.

Myth #1: Nearshoring development to Latin America is more expensive than offshoring to Asia

One of the most common misconceptions about Nearshoring development to Latin America is that it is more expensive than offshoring to Asia. However, this is not always the case. While the hourly rates for developers in Latin America may be higher than in some Asian countries, the total cost of a project can be lower due to factors such as higher productivity rates, shorter development cycles, and reduced travel costs.

According to a report by Accelerance, the average hourly rate for software developers in Latin America is $40, while the average hourly rate in India is $25. However, when the total cost of a project was considered, including travel expenses and project management costs, the cost of development in Latin America was 18% lower than in India.

Table 1: Cost Comparison of Nearshoring to Latin America vs. Offshoring to Asia

Cost Components Nearshoring to Latin America Offshoring to Asia
Hourly Developer Rate $40 $25
Project Management Cost 10% of Total Cost 20% of Total Cost
Travel Expenses $5,000 $10,000
Total Cost for a 6-Month Project $227,000 $276,000
Total Cost for a 12-Month Project $410,000 $501,000

(Source: Accelerance)

Myth #2: Nearshoring development to Latin America is risky due to cultural and language barriers

Another common misconception about Nearshoring development teams in Latin America is that there are significant cultural and language barriers that can make communication and collaboration challenging. While there may be some differences in culture and language, Nearshoring partners in Latin America often have extensive experience working with American companies and are accustomed to the cultural nuances of doing business in the United States.

Furthermore, many Nearshoring partners in Latin America have English proficiency that is on par with American developers, and some even offer language and cultural training to ensure effective communication and collaboration.

Myth #3: Nearshoring development to Latin America is only suitable for simple projects

Some companies believe that Nearshoring development to Latin America is only suitable for simple projects and that more complex projects require on-site development teams. However, this is not true. Nearshoring partners in Latin America have experience working on complex projects across a range of industries, including healthcare, finance, and e-commerce.

According to a survey by the Latin America Outsourcing Association, 44% of companies that near-shore to Latin America do so for software development and IT services, and 39% of respondents said that their Nearshoring partners in Latin America had experience working on complex projects.

Table 2: Nearshoring Services by Industry

Industry Percentage of Companies that Near-Shore to Latin America
Software Development and IT Services 44%
Business Process Outsourcing 19%
Finance and Accounting 18%
Customer Service 12%
Others 7%

(Source: Latin America Outsourcing Association)

Myth #4: Nearshoring development to Latin America is only beneficial for large corporations

Some companies believe that Nearshoring development to Latin America is only beneficial for large corporations with extensive resources. However, Nearshoring can be a viable option for companies of all sizes, including small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

In fact, Nearshoring can be particularly beneficial for SMEs that may not have the resources to establish and maintain an in-house development team or to afford the high costs of onshore development. By Nearshoring, SMEs can access a talented pool of developers in Latin America at a lower cost, while also benefiting from the cultural and time zone advantages.

Myth #5: Nearshoring development to Latin America is only suitable for short-term projects

Another common misconception about Nearshoring development to Latin America is that it is only suitable for short-term projects. However, Nearshoring can be a long-term solution for companies looking to establish a reliable and cost-effective development team.

Many Nearshoring partners in Latin America offer flexible engagement models that can accommodate long-term partnerships and ongoing support. Additionally, Nearshoring can provide scalability and agility, allowing companies to quickly adjust their development resources based on changing needs.

Table 3: Benefits of Nearshoring Development to Latin America

Benefit Explanation
Cost-effectiveness Lower overall project cost
Cultural synergy Experience with American culture and language
Industry expertise Experience working on complex projects across various industries
Suitable for SMEs A viable option for small and medium-sized enterprises
Long-term solution Flexible engagement models and scalability

(Source: Author’s compilation)

By leveraging the talent, cultural, and time zone advantages of Nearshoring development teams in Latin America, American companies can unlock a world of possibilities and gain a competitive edge in the global market.

Visit our exclusive page on Hiring Nearshore Developers to learn more about finding the ideal LatAm talent for your business.

If you’re looking to hire LatAm developers remotely, take a look at our guide on the Top 7 Websites to Hire LATAM Developers in the Americas for more in-depth information.


As Nearshoring continues to gain popularity among American companies, it is important to separate fact from fiction when it comes to common misconceptions about this approach. By debunking these myths with facts, statistics, and tables, we hope to provide a clearer understanding of the benefits and possibilities of Nearshoring development teams in Latin America.

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